1. 瑞典的 "拉格姆 "哲學:如何 "恰到好處 "地滿足你的需求 20:02 The Swedish philosophy of lagom: how “just enough” is all you need (bigthink.com)
2. 尋找能讓細胞再生的 "通訊設備 00:09 The quest for a “communication device” that tells cells to regenerate the body (bigthink.com)
3. 問伊森暗物質會不會是我們看不見的 "正常物質"? 02-21 Ask Ethan: Could dark matter be “normal stuff” we can’t see? (bigthink.com)
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24. 如果我們想要人工 "超級智能",它可能需要感受疼痛 02-13 If we want artificial “superintelligence,” it may need to feel pain (bigthink.com)
27. 想要消除職場摩擦?成為 "時間託管人 02-12 Want to eliminate workplace friction? Become a “trustee of time” (bigthink.com)
28. 不,我們無法通過地球工程擺脫氣候危機 02-12 No, we can’t geoengineer our way out of the climate crisis (bigthink.com)
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30. LIGO 剛剛看到有史以來最重要的引力波了嗎? 02-11 Did LIGO just see its most important gravitational wave ever? (bigthink.com)
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33. JWST 顯示年輕恆星系統誕生過程中令人驚訝的暴力現象 02-10 JWST shows surprising violence in a young star system’s birth (bigthink.com)
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43. 正確的體育分析如何改變商業思維 02-06 How the right kind of sports analytics can transform business thinking (bigthink.com)
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51. 奧林匹克思維":精英運動員能否造就精英員工? 02-06 The “Olympic mindset”: Do elite athletes make elite employees? (bigthink.com)
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53. 我們的第一批 "類地 "系外行星可能沒有大氣層 02-05 Our first “Earth-like” exoplanets probably won’t have atmospheres (bigthink.com)
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56. 領導者:最優先考慮的應該是你的福祉 02-04 Leaders: Your well-being fix should be your highest priority (bigthink.com)
57. 新發現提出了生命起源於何時(何地)的問題 02-04 New findings raise questions about when (and where) life began (bigthink.com)
58. 你是 "意外的管理者 "嗎?採取以下 4 個關鍵步驟 02-03 Are you an “accidental manager”? Take these 4 crucial steps (bigthink.com)
59. 認識 N79:本星系群最新超級星團的所在地 02-03 Meet N79: home to the Local Group’s newest super star cluster (bigthink.com)
60. 如果我們是孤獨的?無生命宇宙的哲學悖論 02-01 What if we’re alone? The philosophical paradox of a lifeless cosmos (bigthink.com)
62. 問伊森為什麼暗物質不會因引力而坍縮? 01-31 Ask Ethan: Why doesn’t dark matter collapse due to gravity? (bigthink.com)
65. A.C. 格雷林我們不需要恢復宗教,我們需要恢復教育 01-30 A.C. Grayling: We don’t need to bring back religion, we need to bring back education (bigthink.com)
66. 政府審查科學毀了蘇聯。下一個會是美國嗎? 01-30 Government-censored science ruined the USSR. Is the USA next? (bigthink.com)
68. 不合理待客之道 "的三大支柱如何改變任何企業 01-29 How the 3 pillars of “unreasonable hospitality” can transform any business (bigthink.com)
71. Nathan Thrall 談讓讀者沉浸在非虛構寫作中的藝術 01-28 Nathan Thrall on the art of immersing readers in nonfiction writing (bigthink.com)
72. 我們無法 "消除 "大腦偏差,但我們可以改變我們的系統 01-28 We can’t “de-bias” our brains but we can change our systems (bigthink.com)
73. JWST 碰撞中子星的發現震驚世界 01-28 JWST shocks the world with colliding neutron star discovery (bigthink.com)
76. 分層領導 "是解決領導者職業倦怠的 5 個理由 01-27 5 reasons “fractional leadership” is the antidote to leader burnout (bigthink.com)
78. 一個流行的宇宙生命和智慧模型是如何搞錯的? 01-25 How a popular model of cosmic life and intelligence got it wrong (bigthink.com)
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83. 如何在數字憤怒時代重振戰略思維 01-24 How to revive strategic thinking in an age of digital outrage (bigthink.com)
85. 宇宙膨脹在接受終極考驗時表現如何? 01-23 How does cosmic inflation fare when put to the ultimate test? (bigthink.com)
86. 空氣中的鉛汙染可能使古羅馬人的智商降低了 3 點 01-23 Airborne lead pollution may have cost ancient Romans 3 IQ points (bigthink.com)
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96. 探測外星生命的前景廣闊(簡單得令人驚訝)的方法 01-18 A promising (and surprisingly simple) way to detect alien life (bigthink.com)
98. 問伊森迄今為止,JWST 最大的發現是什麼? 01-17 Ask Ethan: What are the biggest JWST discoveries so far? (bigthink.com)
99. 數學是科學的女皇嗎?一位物理學家給出了自己的看法。 01-16 Is mathematics the empress of science? A physicist weighs in. (bigthink.com)
102. 美國一意孤行禁止學校使用智能手機--儘管有微弱證據表明這樣做有幫助 01-16 The U.S. barrels ahead with school smartphone bans — despite weak evidence that it helps (bigthink.com)
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104. 2025 年世界十大威脅排名 伊恩-布雷默(Ian Bremmer 01-15 10 biggest world threats of 2025, ranked Ian Bremmer (bigthink.com)
106. 哲學失去了變革的力量。我們該如何重振哲學? 01-15 Philosophy lost its transformative power. Here’s how we can revive it. (bigthink.com)
107. 來自 "痛苦洞穴 "的教訓馬拉松運動員給投資者的啟示 01-15 Lessons from the “pain cave”: What marathoners can teach investors (bigthink.com)
108. 為什麼 "人類與人工智能共生 "對企業和社會至關重要? 01-14 Why “human-AI symbiosis” is essential for business and society (bigthink.com)
109. 宇宙第一:實時捕捉到超大質量黑洞 "開啟" 01-14 Cosmic first: supermassive black hole caught “turning on” in real-time (bigthink.com)
110. 在吃第一口食物之前,你的大腦就已經決定了食物的味道 01-13 Your mind shapes how food tastes before the first bite (bigthink.com)
117. 日常哲學我們應該禁止兒童從事危險運動嗎? 01-10 Everyday Philosophy: Should we ban children from playing dangerous sports? (bigthink.com)
118. 自我幻覺和自由意志幻覺的解釋 01-10 The illusion of self and the illusion of free will, explained (bigthink.com)
119. 極限情況 "幫助您做好最壞打算的 3 種方法 01-10 3 ways “limit situations” can help you prepare for the worst (bigthink.com)
120. 問伊桑:光子如何介導吸引力和排斥力? 01-10 Ask Ethan: How do photons mediate both attraction and repulsion? (bigthink.com)
121. 揭開貪婪的面紗:複雜而與生俱來的慾望的演變 01-09 Unmasking greed: The evolution of a complex and innate desire (bigthink.com)
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127. 讓流行病學成為 "隱性科學 "的危險 01-08 The dangers of keeping epidemiology the “hidden science” (bigthink.com)
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138. T-Minus:盤點2024年十大太空故事 01-05 T-Minus: Counting down the top 10 space stories of 2024 (bigthink.com)
139. 不要把時間浪費在否定虛假說法上。相反,請嘗試 "繞過技巧"。 01-03 Don’t waste time negating false claims. Instead, try the “bypassing technique” (bigthink.com)
147. 偉大的思想並不一致:神經多樣性的商業案例 01-01 Great minds don’t think alike: The business case for neurodiversity (bigthink.com)
149. 科學家發現創紀錄的高能宇宙射線電子,但起源仍難以捉摸 24-12-31 Scientists find record high-energy cosmic ray electrons, but origin remains elusive (bigthink.com)
151. 睡眠中的大腦為何會重現新的獎勵體驗 24-12-31 Why your sleeping brain replays new rewarding experiences (bigthink.com)
153. 羅裡-薩瑟蘭訪談:蜜蜂、魔法和 "拉普拉斯惡魔 "的愚昧 24-12-30 The Rory Sutherland interview: Bees, magic, and the folly of “Laplace’s demon” (bigthink.com)
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159. 從全球到地球:後全新世世界是否需要新的治理? 24-12-27 From global to planetary: Is new governance needed in a post-Holocene world? (bigthink.com)
160. 大自然的 "完美平衡 "是科學家試圖破解的一個謎團 24-12-27 Nature’s “perfect balance” is a mystery scientists are trying to decode (bigthink.com)
161. 海德格爾的 "情緒理論 "解釋了你為什麼要做任何事 24-12-27 Heidegger’s “mood theory” explains why you do anything at all (bigthink.com)
164. 飢餓還是飢渴?鯨魚創紀錄地遊過半個地球 24-12-26 Hungry or horny? Whale makes record swim halfway across planet (bigthink.com)
168. 我們宇宙中的星系數量超乎卡爾-薩根的想象 24-12-25 Our Universe has more galaxies than Carl Sagan ever imagined (bigthink.com)
170. 宇宙中的大多數行星都是沒有母星的孤兒 24-12-24 Most planets in the Universe are orphans without parent stars (bigthink.com)
175. 人工智能懷疑論者加里-馬庫斯談人工智能的道德和技術缺陷 24-12-23 AI skeptic Gary Marcus on AI’s moral and technical shortcomings (bigthink.com)
176. Neuralink 的主要競爭對手如何在不動手術的情況下接入大腦 24-12-22 How Neuralink’s chief competitor is tapping into the brain without surgery (bigthink.com)
177. 日常哲學:概率學不好?這也許是一種幸運。 24-12-21 Everyday Philosophy: Bad at probability? That might be a blessing. (bigthink.com)
182. 黃金、乳香和沒藥:一份禮物是在中子星上製作的 24-12-19 Gold, frankincense, and myrrh: one gift was made in a neutron star (bigthink.com)
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186. 影響 2024 年物理學和天文學的 16 個故事 24-12-18 The 16 stories that shaped physics and astronomy in 2024 (bigthink.com)
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190. 不可能之海的波浪:2024 年度科學圖書 24-12-17 Waves in an Impossible Sea: the 2024 science book of the year (bigthink.com)
191. 3 本比自助書籍更好的哲學經典 24-12-17 3 philosophy classics that are better than self-help books (bigthink.com)
193. JWST 的 "銀河寶寶 "帶來的最重要啟示 24-12-16 The most important lesson from JWST’s “baby Milky Way” (bigthink.com)
195. 硅谷對人工智能的痴迷看起來很像宗教 24-12-15 Silicon Valley’s obsession with AI looks a lot like religion (bigthink.com)
197. 活鏡子 "理論:為什麼所有生物都可能具有意識 24-12-14 The “living mirror” theory: Why all living organisms may have consciousness (bigthink.com)
198. 日常哲學:彩虹、屁和情感是 "真實 "的嗎? 24-12-13 Everyday Philosophy: Are rainbows, farts, and emotions “real”? (bigthink.com)
200. 無怨無悔:用 "魏爾法 "處理侮辱性語言 24-12-13 Go grudge-free: Use the “Weil method” to deal with insults (bigthink.com)
201. 問伊森量子計算是否發生在平行宇宙中? 24-12-13 Ask Ethan: Does quantum computation occur in parallel universes? (bigthink.com)
202. 情商如何成為抵禦 GenAI 威脅的最佳防禦手段 24-12-13 How emotional intelligence is the best defence against GenAI threats (bigthink.com)
203. BioNTech 公司的 "革命性 "肺癌疫苗究竟是如何發揮作用的? 24-12-12 How BioNTech’s “revolutionary” lung cancer vaccine actually works (bigthink.com)
207. 銀河文明可能是不可能的。原因就在這裡。 24-12-12 Galactic civilizations may be impossible. Here’s why. (bigthink.com)
210. 尼采的《超人類》作為超智能人工智能預言的理由 24-12-11 The case for Nietzsche’s “Overhuman” as a prophecy of superintelligent AI (bigthink.com)
213. 宇宙大爆炸:能量階梯上的一系列臺階 24-12-10 The Big Bang: a series of steps down an energy staircase (bigthink.com)
215. 我們的人口正在老齡化,如何正確照顧他們? 24-12-09 Our population is aging, here’s how to care for it correctly (bigthink.com)
220. 人類能否在不犧牲隱私的情況下清除機器人? 24-12-08 Can humans purge the bots without sacrificing our privacy? (bigthink.com)
221. 日常哲學:如果美是主觀的,那麼《肖申克的救贖》就比不上《香腸派對》嗎? 24-12-06 Everyday Philosophy: If beauty is subjective, is “Shawshank Redemption” no better than “Sausage Party”? (bigthink.com)
223. 問伊森萬物最終會屈服於霍金輻射嗎? 24-12-06 Ask Ethan: Will everything eventually succumb to Hawking radiation? (bigthink.com)
226. 這是參宿四變成超新星時我們將看到的景象 24-12-05 This is what we’ll see when Betelgeuse goes supernova (bigthink.com)
227. 說到預期壽命,有 10 個美洲國家 24-12-04 When it comes to life expectancy, there are 10 Americas (bigthink.com)
228. Ethan Mollick 領導人工智能的 4 項指導原則 24-12-04 Ethan Mollick’s 4 guiding principles for leading with AI (bigthink.com)
231. 在波羅的海地區,東西部之間相差 85 毫米 24-12-03 In the Baltics, 85 millimeters separate East from West (bigthink.com)
232. 1939 年的未來微縮膠片和摩托人 Elektro 24-12-03 The future in 1939: Microfilm and Elektro the Moto-Man (bigthink.com)
234. 受困於自私的老闆?試試以下 3 個策略,重新獲得控制權 24-12-02 Trapped under a selfish boss? Try these 3 strategies to regain control (bigthink.com)
235. JWST 在松博雷羅星系的帽子下面發現了什麼? 24-12-02 What JWST found beneath the Sombrero galaxy’s hat (bigthink.com)
236. 硅芯片不再具有可持續性。下一步是什麼? 24-12-02 Silicon chips are no longer sustainable. Here’s what’s next. (bigthink.com)
237. 互聯網檔案館的 "免費數字圖書館 "如何通過 "合理使用 "測試 24-12-01 How the Internet Archive’s “Free Digital Library” fell to the “fair use” test (bigthink.com)
238. 日常哲學"科學家是否參與了破壞宗教的撒旦陰謀?" 24-11-29 Everyday Philosophy: “Are scientists involved in a Satanic plot to undermine religion?” (bigthink.com)
239. 經濟學家解讀後 COVID 貨幣政策的基本原理 24-11-29 The basics of post-COVID monetary policy, explained by an economist (bigthink.com)
240. 兩天規則 "如何讓你的日常工作生活更輕鬆 24-11-29 How the “two-day rule” can make your daily work-life much easier (bigthink.com)
241. 為什麼 "1/137 "這個數字在自然界隨處可見? 24-11-29 Why the number “1/137” appears everywhere in nature (bigthink.com)
243. 孔子與亞里士多德:兩位哲學家教給我們的道德觀 24-11-28 Confucius vs. Aristotle: What the two philosophers teach us about ethics (bigthink.com)
245. 當引力波遇到黑洞時會發生什麼? 24-11-28 What happens when a gravitational wave meets a black hole? (bigthink.com)
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247. 我們能讓科學自動化嗎?薩姆-羅德里格斯(Sam Rodriques)已經在做了。 24-11-27 Can we automate science? Sam Rodriques is already doing it. (bigthink.com)
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