3. 幫助處於困境中的朋友的 3 個情商技巧 11-20 3 emotional intelligence tips for helping a friend in a rough patch (bigthink.com)
6. 前生命之謎:追溯無生命世界中複雜性的崛起 11-20 The pre-life puzzle: Tracing the rise of complexity in a lifeless world (bigthink.com)
7. 微塑料超載:減少生產是遏制汙染的唯一現實途徑嗎? 11-19 Microplastic overload: Is cutting production the only realistic way to curb pollution? (bigthink.com)
8. 為什麼每個長期投資者都應研究古代建築 11-19 Why every long-term investor should study ancient architecture (bigthink.com)
9. 使用這個天才皮克斯黑客,讓你的職業生涯重回正軌 11-19 Use this genius Pixar hack to get your career back on track (bigthink.com)
10. JWST 的 "紅色怪物 "星系對宇宙學意味著什麼? 11-19 What do JWST’s “red monster” galaxies mean for cosmology? (bigthink.com)
11. 丹尼爾-戈爾曼為什麼情商可能是組織成功的首要指標? 11-19 Daniel Goleman: Why emotional intelligence may be the number one indicator of organizational success (bigthink.com)
12. 機械化思維人工智能對人類思維的隱性影響 11-19 The mechanized mind: AI’s hidden impact on human thought (bigthink.com)
13. 領導者如何避免在權力驅動下從英雄淪為小人 11-18 How leaders can avoid a power-driven descent from hero to villain (bigthink.com)
16. 獵殺外星人的生物特徵方法疑點重重 11-17 Doubts grow about the biosignature approach to alien-hunting (bigthink.com)
18. 新的UFO聽證會繼續 "無休止地循環 "轟動效應 11-16 New UFO hearings continue an “endless loop” of sensation (bigthink.com)
19. 日常哲學:什麼時候應該嘗試改變朋友的信仰? 11-16 Everyday Philosophy: When should you try to change your friend’s beliefs? (bigthink.com)
20. 山姆-哈里斯:你的思想是你的全部。你的頭腦在工作嗎? 11-15 Sam Harris: Your mind is all you have. Is yours working? (bigthink.com)
21. 塔勒布的外科醫生》如何重新定義專業知識的模樣 11-15 How “Taleb’s Surgeon” redefines what expertise look like (bigthink.com)
23. 下一個奧米克斯?追蹤一生的暴露,更好地瞭解疾病 11-15 The next omics? Tracking a lifetime of exposures to better understand disease (bigthink.com)
31. 互聯網自由在新的社會控制時代逐漸消失 11-12 Internet freedom is fading in the new era of social control (bigthink.com)
32. 創始人為何要對抗 "雙曲貼現 "這一硬傷? 11-12 Why founders should fight hardwired “hyperbolic discounting” (bigthink.com)
34. 這是歷史上最大規模的工業間諜活動嗎? 11-12 Is this the biggest industrial espionage campaign in history? (bigthink.com)
35. 出現 "中微子迷霧 "跡象,使暗物質搜索複雜化 11-11 Signs of “neutrino fog” emerge, complicating searches for dark matter (bigthink.com)
41. 日常哲學:有 "負面情緒 "這種東西嗎? 11-08 Everyday Philosophy: Is there such a thing as a “negative emotion”? (bigthink.com)
43. 勃蘭特路線給我們帶來了全球南北。它需要更新。 11-07 The Brandt Line gave us the Global North and South. It needs an update. (bigthink.com)
47. 電子競技:仿生運動員爭奪金牌--推動輔助技術向前發展 11-07 The Cybathlon: Bionic athletes compete for the gold — and push assistive technologies forward (bigthink.com)
48. 科學家每年要殺死 1.92 億隻實驗小鼠。有更好的辦法嗎? 11-07 Scientists kill 192 million lab mice each year. Is there a better way? (bigthink.com)
49. 為什麼說 "慢生產率 "是出色工作和快樂團隊的關鍵? 11-06 Why “slow productivity” is the key to great work and happy teams (bigthink.com)
50. 尤瓦爾-諾亞-哈拉里:不容忽視的人工智能場景 11-06 Yuval Noah Harari: An AI scenario you should not ignore (bigthink.com)
51. 為什麼 "人類最後的考試 "最終會讓人類失敗? 11-06 Why “humanity’s last exam” will ultimately fail humanity (bigthink.com)
52. 質子會永遠存在嗎?科學家為何要尋找衰變跡象 11-05 Will protons last forever? Why scientists are searching for signs of decay (bigthink.com)
53. 今年感恩節少吃 4600 萬隻火雞的理由 11-05 The case for sparing 46 million turkeys this Thanksgiving (bigthink.com)
58. 駕馭任何創新浪潮的 5 項行之有效的 CEO 戰略 11-04 5 proven CEO strategies for riding any wave of innovation (bigthink.com)
59. Ryan Holiday 關於感知和自我反思的藝術 11-04 Ryan Holiday on the art of perception and self-reflection (bigthink.com)
61. 為什麼未來學家艾米-韋伯認為 "技術超級週期 "即將到來? 11-04 Why futurist Amy Webb sees a “technology supercycle” headed our way (bigthink.com)
64. 人類生活在一個 "永遠在線 "的數字世界中會產生什麼後果? 11-01 What are the consequences of living as a human in an “always on” digital world? (bigthink.com)
65. 把握 "本質上有爭議的概念",提高工作效率 11-01 Grasp “essentially contested concepts” for smoother productivity (bigthink.com)
66. 問伊森為什麼理查德-費曼不是你的個人英雄? 11-01 Ask Ethan: Why isn’t Richard Feynman your personal hero? (bigthink.com)
67. 歐羅巴號快船如何在遙遠的冰冷月球上架設相機 11-01 How the Europa Clipper will set cameras on a distant icy moon (bigthink.com)
68. 如果外星人造訪地球,希望他們能克服野蠻的過去 10-31 If aliens visit Earth, let’s hope they’ve overcome their savage past (bigthink.com)
69. 認識第一個 "解決 "了三體問題的恆星系統 10-31 Meet the first star system to “solve” the 3-body problem (bigthink.com)
74. 神奇的三分之一 "法則:一個聲音如何改變一個群體 10-29 The “magic third” rule: How just one voice can transform a group (bigthink.com)
75. 為什麼 "數字福祉 "對我們的工作與生活轉型至關重要? 10-29 Why “digital wellbeing” is crucial to our work-life transformation (bigthink.com)
77. 愛因斯坦可沒這麼說病毒式錯誤引用是如何演變和複製的 10-28 Einstein didn’t say that: How viral misquotes evolve and replicate (bigthink.com)
78. 創造力至關重要。下面我們就來看看它是如何促進社會正義的。 10-28 Creativity is essential. Here’s how it can catalyze social justice. (bigthink.com)
79. "創始人綜合症":領導者停滯不前時如何前進 10-28 “Founder syndrome”: How to move forward when leaders stagnate (bigthink.com)
83. 日常哲學你能自我認同為不同的一代嗎? 10-25 Everyday Philosophy: Can you self-identify as a different generation? (bigthink.com)
84. 問伊森宇宙膨脹和大爆炸是怎麼回事? 10-25 Ask Ethan: What’s the deal with cosmic inflation and the Big Bang? (bigthink.com)
86. 同伴本能人類文化背後的古老部落本能 10-24 The “peer instinct”: The ancient tribal instinct behind human culture (bigthink.com)
90. 丹尼爾-丹尼特使用的 3 種出色的批判性思維工具 10-23 3 brilliant critical thinking tools used by Daniel Dennett (bigthink.com)
92. 大屠殺倖存者講述如何從心靈的牢籠中解脫出來 10-23 Holocaust survivor on freeing yourself from the prison of your mind (bigthink.com)
93. "就像給手機插上電源一樣":推廣電動汽車所需的思維轉變 10-23 “It’s just like plugging in your phone”: The mindset shift needed to scale EVs (bigthink.com)
95. 不可或缺?為什麼一些領導者應該接受接班人 10-22 Indispensable? Why some leaders should embrace succession (bigthink.com)
96. 詹姆斯-韋伯太空望遠鏡是如何改變宇宙學的? 10-22 How has the James Webb Space Telescope changed cosmology? (bigthink.com)
97. 神經科學家構建更積極現實的指南 10-21 A neuroscientist’s guide to building a more positive reality (bigthink.com)
102. 解碼禽流感:新研究揭示了人類感染禽流感的潛在途徑 10-19 Decoding bird flu: New research reveals potential route for human infection (bigthink.com)
103. 日常哲學表情符號對我們的語言是有益還是有害? 10-18 Everyday Philosophy: Do emojis help or hurt our language? (bigthink.com)
104. 尤瓦爾-諾亞-哈拉里的人工智能時代導航指南 10-18 Yuval Noah Harari’s guidebook for navigating the age of AI (bigthink.com)
105. 麥克納馬拉謬誤":當數據導致最糟糕的決策時 10-18 The “McNamara fallacy”: When data leads to the worst decision (bigthink.com)
107. 地獄或高水地球潮汐範圍的奇妙與危險 10-17 Hell or high water: The wonders and dangers of Earth’s tidal ranges (bigthink.com)
109. 時間:是的,它是一個維度,但不,它與空間不同 10-17 Time: yes, it’s a dimension, but no, it’s not like space (bigthink.com)
110. 救援精英如何在生死關頭保持冷靜 10-16 How elite rescue swimmers stay calm in life-or-death situations (bigthink.com)
111. 創始人模式 "的細微差別:界限與授權 10-16 The nuances of “founder mode”: Boundaries and empowerment (bigthink.com)
112. 美國國家航空航天局的歐羅巴號快船如何幫助尋找外星生命 10-16 How NASA’s Europa Clipper helps the hunt for alien life (bigthink.com)
113. 火星缺失的大氣層可能隱藏在眾目睽睽之下 10-16 Mars’ missing atmosphere could be hiding in plain sight (bigthink.com)
114. 解釋 "友誼鴻溝":教育如何影響你的交往能力 10-15 The “friendship divide” explained: How your education affects your ability to connect (bigthink.com)
115. 關於偉大宇宙未知數的 10 個深思熟慮的見解 10-15 10 thoughtful insights about the great cosmic unknowns (bigthink.com)
116. "瘋王 "行為預測 21 世紀核戰爭將如何發展 10-14 “Mad King” behavior: A prediction for how 21st-century nuclear war would unfold (bigthink.com)
117. 6 個令人信服的理由:你的工作未來是 "技能驅動 "的 10-14 6 compelling reasons your work future is “skills-powered” (bigthink.com)
119. 人工智能聊天機器人或許能緩解世界的孤獨感(如果它們不會讓孤獨感變得更糟的話) 10-13 AI chatbots may ease the world’s loneliness (if they don’t make it worse) (bigthink.com)
122. 日常哲學:斯多葛主義和佛教是不健康的哲學嗎? 10-11 Everyday Philosophy: Are Stoicism and Buddhism unhealthy philosophies? (bigthink.com)
123. 問伊森進化和自然選擇是在宇宙中發生的嗎? 10-11 Ask Ethan: Do evolution and natural selection occur cosmically? (bigthink.com)
125. 專制公司當今的獨裁者團結一致--但不是因為意識形態 10-10 Autocracy, Inc.: Today’s dictators are united — but not by ideology (bigthink.com)
127. 黑洞信息悖論為何仍未解決 10-10 Why the black hole information paradox still hasn’t been solved (bigthink.com)
129. 這個穆斯林微型國家可能很快成為世界上最小的國家 10-09 This Muslim microstate could soon be the world’s smallest country (bigthink.com)
130. 為什麼 "摩擦思考者 "最先看到隱藏的機會? 10-09 Why ‘friction thinkers’ see hidden opportunities first (bigthink.com)
131. 物理學思想如何推動人工智能:2024 年諾貝爾獎 10-09 How ideas from physics drive AI: the 2024 Nobel Prize (bigthink.com)
134. 重新定義 "包容性領導力":如何 "領導更大" 10-08 “Inclusive leadership” redefined: How to “lead bigger” (bigthink.com)
135. 凱文-凱利訪談激進樂觀主義 "的力量 10-08 The Kevin Kelly interview: The power of “radical optimism” (bigthink.com)
137. 耳語世界移動計算的未來是你腦海中的人工智能聲音 10-07 The “Whisperverse”: The future of mobile computing is an AI voice inside your head (bigthink.com)
139. 與凱琳-帕特洛(Kaelynn Partlow)一起駕馭自閉症和孤獨感 10-07 Navigating autism and loneliness with Kaelynn Partlow (bigthink.com)
141. 伊恩-布魯克希望徹底改變我們對飛行的認識 10-06 Ian Brooke wants to revolutionize flight as we know it (bigthink.com)
145. 尋找金星上的恐龍為地球敲響了警鐘 10-04 How the search for dinosaurs on Venus exposed a warning for Earth (bigthink.com)
147. 問伊森:宇宙的溫度是如何隨時間變化的? 10-04 Ask Ethan: How does the Universe’s temperature change over time? (bigthink.com)
150. 尼安德特人永遠改變人類遺傳學的山脈 10-03 The mountains where Neanderthals forever altered human genetics (bigthink.com)
153. 美國人不瞭解他們的政府。他們正在為此付出代價。 10-02 Americans don’t understand their government. They’re paying the price. (bigthink.com)
154. 戰略思考者的 6 項關鍵能力(您可以學習它們) 10-02 6 key abilities of strategic thinkers (you can learn them) (bigthink.com)
162. 為什麼《道德經》的古老力量比以往任何時候都更重要? 09-30 Why the ancient power of the Dao De Jing is more important than ever (bigthink.com)
164. 有史以來速度最快的航天器將打破自己的速度紀錄 09-30 Fastest spacecraft ever built to break its own speed record (bigthink.com)
165. 不,法學碩士仍然不能像人類一樣推理。這個簡單的測試揭示了原因。 09-29 No, LLMs still can’t reason like humans. This simple test reveals why. (bigthink.com)
168. 日常哲學:我沒有為一杯 5 美元的咖啡付小費。我錯了嗎? 09-27 Everyday Philosophy: I didn’t tip for a $5 cup of coffee. Was I wrong? (bigthink.com)
171. 世界最大太陽能項目將向新加坡輸送澳大利亞能源 09-26 World’s largest solar project will send Australian energy to Singapore (bigthink.com)
174. "神奇使者":如何以敬畏之心化解工作和生活壓力 09-25 “Wonderbringers”: How to dissolve work-life stress with awe (bigthink.com)
176. 為什麼 JWST 沒有打破更多的宇宙距離記錄? 09-25 Why hasn’t JWST broken the cosmic distance record by more? (bigthink.com)
177. Tinder 騙子戀愛欺詐 "如何成為價值數十億美元的網絡犯罪 09-25 Tinder Swindler: How “romance fraud” became a multi-billion dollar cybercrime (bigthink.com)
178. 修復網絡 "如何影響我們工作與生活的轉變 09-24 How “Restoration Networking” can shape our work-life transformation (bigthink.com)
180. 領導者與現代勞動力共同發展的 5 種方法 09-24 5 ways for leaders to evolve with the modern workforce (bigthink.com)
181. 再玩一次樂趣與復原力之間的因果關係 09-24 Play it again: The causal link between fun and resilience (bigthink.com)
182. 壽命最短的量子粒子也表現出量子糾纏 09-24 Shortest-lived quantum particles exhibit quantum entanglement, too (bigthink.com)
183. 解碼大腦詞典:科學家繪製神經元如何編碼詞義的地圖 09-23 Decoding the brain’s dictionary: Scientists map how neurons encode word meanings (bigthink.com)
189. 生育的未來,從人造子宮到人工智能輔助試管嬰兒 09-21 The future of fertility, from artificial wombs to AI-assisted IVF (bigthink.com)
190. 日常哲學:討論爭議性話題的 3 條規則 09-20 Everyday Philosophy: 3 rules for discussing controversial topics (bigthink.com)
191. 使用 "喬哈里資訊窗模式 "改進您的對話 09-20 Use the “Johari Window Model” to improve your conversations (bigthink.com)
192. 問伊森空間是否需要暗能量才能存在? 09-20 Ask Ethan: Does space require dark energy in order to exist? (bigthink.com)
193. 科學家發現以不同時間尺度處理語言的神經元 09-20 Scientists find neurons that process language on different timescales (bigthink.com)
194. 歐洲核子研究中心實驗揭開 W 玻色子的神秘面紗 09-19 CERN experiment unlocks new insights into the W boson (bigthink.com)
195. 大型科技公司未能通過透明度測試:加里-馬庫斯談我們對人工智能的要求 09-19 Big tech fails transparency test: Gary Marcus on what we should demand of AI (bigthink.com)
198. 薩拉-伊馬裡-沃克用物理學重新思考生命的定義 09-19 Sara Imari Walker: Using physics to rethink the definition of life (bigthink.com)
199. 薩拉-伊瑪裡-沃克用物理學重新思考生命的定義 09-19 Sara Imari Walker: Using physics to rethink the defintion of life (bigthink.com)
202. 生物殼的秘密:科學家為何致力於拯救地球的生物皮膚 09-18 The dirt on biocrusts: Why scientists are working to save Earth’s living skin (bigthink.com)
204. 理查德-道金斯談逆向工程進化的最佳之美 09-17 Richard Dawkins on reverse engineering evolution’s optimal beauty (bigthink.com)
205. 為什麼 "動力法則 "是更好工作的秘訣? 09-17 Why hard-wired “power laws” hold the secret to better work (bigthink.com)
211. 超越屏幕時間:用 "金髮姑娘假說 "反思孩子們使用科技的問題 09-14 Beyond screen time: Rethinking kids’ tech use with the “Goldilocks hypothesis” (bigthink.com)
212. 日常哲學:你能與自己喜歡的人建立知識友誼嗎? 09-13 Everyday Philosophy: Can you build an intellectual friendship with someone you’re attracted to? (bigthink.com)
214. 問伊森多元宇宙中會不會存在我的 "複製品"? 09-13 Ask Ethan: Could a “copy” of me exist in the Multiverse? (bigthink.com)
215. 美國一家實驗室推出可抵禦量子加密破解的新工具 09-13 A lab in the US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum (bigthink.com)
216. 暗物質搜索:科學家們是否找錯了方向? 09-12 Dark matter search: Are scientists looking in the wrong direction? (bigthink.com)
218. 全球變暖使颶風更強,但頻率降低 09-12 Global warming makes hurricanes stronger, but less frequent (bigthink.com)
219. 為什麼要以 "真誠的友情 "對待競爭對手? 09-12 Why it pays to treat competitors with “genuine camaraderie” (bigthink.com)
220. 被忽視的哲學,可以揭示現實最深層的奧秘 09-11 The overlooked philosophy that could shed light on reality’s deepest mysteries (bigthink.com)
221. 倫敦商學院教授講解如何提高批判性探究能力 09-11 London Business School professor explains how to improve your critical inquiry skills (bigthink.com)
222. "充滿希望的懷疑論治癒憤世嫉俗的良方以及如何運用它 09-11 “Hopeful skepticism”: The cure for cynicism and how to apply it (bigthink.com)
223. 為什麼電子的質量對宇宙生命至關重要? 09-11 Why the electron’s mass is vital to life in the Universe (bigthink.com)
224. 土星衛星米馬斯可能隱藏著一個令人驚訝的年輕海洋 09-11 Saturn’s moon Mimas may hide a surprisingly young ocean (bigthink.com)
225. 為什麼偉大的領導者知道 "控制是一種幻覺"? 09-10 Why great leaders know that “control is an illusion” (bigthink.com)
227. 用心靈感應釋放你的潛能採訪斯科特-巴里-考夫曼 09-10 Unlock your potential with mentalism: An interview with Scott Barry Kaufman (bigthink.com)
229. 諾貝爾獎獲得者對宇宙膨脹的 10 點見解 09-10 10 insights about the expanding Universe from a Nobel Laureate (bigthink.com)
230. 為什麼 "不學習 "是 "殭屍領導力 "的最佳殺手? 09-09 Why “unlearning” is your best slayer of “zombie leadership” (bigthink.com)
231. 聖本篤規則現代時間管理的中世紀藍圖 09-09 The “Rule of Saint Benedict”: A medieval blueprint for modern time management (bigthink.com)
232. 如何走出內心獨白,更好地瞭解世界 09-09 How to step out of your inner monologue and understand the world better (bigthink.com)
235. JWST 發現具有 "不可能 "光信號的遙遠星系 09-09 JWST finds distant galaxy with “impossible” light signature (bigthink.com)
236. "模型崩潰 "有可能扼殺生成式人工智能的進展 09-08 “Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs (bigthink.com)
237. 播客 #109 - 發射銀河錐 09-08 Starts With A Bang Podcast #109 – Launching a galactic cone (bigthink.com)
238. "瘋狂亞洲富豪》導演朱強談美國夢和讓內心的批評者閉嘴 09-07 “Crazy Rich Asians” director Jon Chu on the American Dream and silencing your inner critic (bigthink.com)
239. 日常哲學:弗洛伊德和佛陀爭論如何對待慾望 09-06 Everyday Philosophy: Freud and the Buddha debate what to do about desire (bigthink.com)
242. 彼得原理為什麼大多數公司都充斥著自不量力的人 09-06 The “Peter Principle”: Why most companies are filled with people out of their depth (bigthink.com)
243. 問伊森我們能否確定UAP/UFO是否是外星人? 09-06 Ask Ethan: Could we determine if UAPs/UFOs are aliens? (bigthink.com)
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