4. 福利大師班:如何避免公司 "洗心革面 "的陷阱 Well-being masterclass: How to avoid the pitfalls of company “carewashing” (bigthink.com)
6. 領導者為何應利用 "SURF 框架 "實現可持續發展 Why leaders should ride the “SURF Framework” for sustainability (bigthink.com)
8. 通過滾動超過谷歌搜索第 1 頁發現瑪雅主要城市 Major Mayan city discovered by scrolling past page 1 in Google search (bigthink.com)
9. 探測外星生命的前景廣闊(簡單得令人驚訝)的方法 A promising (and surprisingly simple) way to detect alien life (bigthink.com)
12. 數學是科學的女皇嗎?一位物理學家給出了自己的看法。 Is mathematics the empress of science? A physicist weighs in. (bigthink.com)
15. 美國一意孤行禁止學校使用智能手機--儘管有微弱證據表明這樣做有幫助 The U.S. barrels ahead with school smartphone bans — despite weak evidence that it helps (bigthink.com)
16. 蔑視多米諾骨牌效應 "如何改善你的生活並改變社會 How the “defiance domino effect” can improve your life and transform society (bigthink.com)
17. 2025 年世界十大威脅排名 伊恩-布雷默(Ian Bremmer 10 biggest world threats of 2025, ranked Ian Bremmer (bigthink.com)
19. 哲學失去了變革的力量。我們該如何重振哲學? Philosophy lost its transformative power. Here’s how we can revive it. (bigthink.com)
20. 來自 "痛苦洞穴 "的教訓馬拉松運動員給投資者的啟示 Lessons from the “pain cave”: What marathoners can teach investors (bigthink.com)
21. 為什麼 "人類與人工智能共生 "對企業和社會至關重要? Why “human-AI symbiosis” is essential for business and society (bigthink.com)
22. 宇宙第一:實時捕捉到超大質量黑洞 "開啟" Cosmic first: supermassive black hole caught “turning on” in real-time (bigthink.com)
30. 日常哲學我們應該禁止兒童從事危險運動嗎? Everyday Philosophy: Should we ban children from playing dangerous sports? (bigthink.com)
32. 極限情況 "幫助您做好最壞打算的 3 種方法 3 ways “limit situations” can help you prepare for the worst (bigthink.com)
33. 問伊桑:光子如何介導吸引力和排斥力? Ask Ethan: How do photons mediate both attraction and repulsion? (bigthink.com)
34. 揭開貪婪的面紗:複雜而與生俱來的慾望的演變 Unmasking greed: The evolution of a complex and innate desire (bigthink.com)
38. 預測 2030 年我們可能擁有的 "數字超級大國 Predicting the “digital superpowers” we could have by 2030 (bigthink.com)
41. 拜倫-凱蒂如何在最黑暗的時刻意外發現快樂 How Byron Katie accidentally discovered joy in the darkest of times (bigthink.com)
43. 為什麼偉大的傳播者會聆聽 "五P "音樂? Why great communicators listen to the music of “The Five Ps” (bigthink.com)
44. 導航到古代哲學的 "三個港口",尋找美好生活 Navigate to the “three ports” of ancient philosophy to find the good life (bigthink.com)
45. 約翰-格拉特的黑暗輝煌"現代統計學之父" The dark brilliance of John Graunt: “Father of modern statistics” (bigthink.com)
52. 不要把時間浪費在否定虛假說法上。相反,請嘗試 "繞過技巧"。 Don’t waste time negating false claims. Instead, try the “bypassing technique” (bigthink.com)
60. 偉大的思想並不一致:神經多樣性的商業案例 Great minds don’t think alike: The business case for neurodiversity (bigthink.com)
62. 科學家發現創紀錄的高能宇宙射線電子,但起源仍難以捉摸 Scientists find record high-energy cosmic ray electrons, but origin remains elusive (bigthink.com)
66. 羅裡-薩瑟蘭訪談:蜜蜂、魔法和 "拉普拉斯惡魔 "的愚昧 The Rory Sutherland interview: Bees, magic, and the folly of “Laplace’s demon” (bigthink.com)
72. 從全球到地球:後全新世世界是否需要新的治理? From global to planetary: Is new governance needed in a post-Holocene world? (bigthink.com)
73. 大自然的 "完美平衡 "是科學家試圖破解的一個謎團 Nature’s “perfect balance” is a mystery scientists are trying to decode (bigthink.com)
74. 海德格爾的 "情緒理論 "解釋了你為什麼要做任何事 Heidegger’s “mood theory” explains why you do anything at all (bigthink.com)
77. 飢餓還是飢渴?鯨魚創紀錄地遊過半個地球 Hungry or horny? Whale makes record swim halfway across planet (bigthink.com)
88. 人工智能懷疑論者加里-馬庫斯談人工智能的道德和技術缺陷 AI skeptic Gary Marcus on AI’s moral and technical shortcomings (bigthink.com)
89. Neuralink 的主要競爭對手如何在不動手術的情況下接入大腦 How Neuralink’s chief competitor is tapping into the brain without surgery (bigthink.com)
90. 日常哲學:概率學不好?這也許是一種幸運。 Everyday Philosophy: Bad at probability? That might be a blessing. (bigthink.com)
95. 黃金、乳香和沒藥:一份禮物是在中子星上製作的 Gold, frankincense, and myrrh: one gift was made in a neutron star (bigthink.com)
97. 如何利用 "錯誤推論階梯 "來瓦解錯誤信息 How to disrupt misinformation with the “ladder of misinference” (bigthink.com)
98. 惡魔之法亡靈魔法曾如何解決所有人的問題 The “Demon Method”: How necromancy once solved everyone’s problems (bigthink.com)
102. 經久不衰的藝術:我們可以從經得起時間考驗的日本企業中學到什麼 The art of outlasting: What we can learn from timeproof Japanese businesses (bigthink.com)
103. 不可能之海的波浪:2024 年度科學圖書 Waves in an Impossible Sea: the 2024 science book of the year (bigthink.com)
110. 活鏡子 "理論:為什麼所有生物都可能具有意識 The “living mirror” theory: Why all living organisms may have consciousness (bigthink.com)
111. 日常哲學:彩虹、屁和情感是 "真實 "的嗎? Everyday Philosophy: Are rainbows, farts, and emotions “real”? (bigthink.com)
114. 問伊森量子計算是否發生在平行宇宙中? Ask Ethan: Does quantum computation occur in parallel universes? (bigthink.com)
115. 情商如何成為抵禦 GenAI 威脅的最佳防禦手段 How emotional intelligence is the best defence against GenAI threats (bigthink.com)
116. BioNTech 公司的 "革命性 "肺癌疫苗究竟是如何發揮作用的? How BioNTech’s “revolutionary” lung cancer vaccine actually works (bigthink.com)
123. 尼采的《超人類》作為超智能人工智能預言的理由 The case for Nietzsche’s “Overhuman” as a prophecy of superintelligent AI (bigthink.com)
128. 我們的人口正在老齡化,如何正確照顧他們? Our population is aging, here’s how to care for it correctly (bigthink.com)
134. 日常哲學:如果美是主觀的,那麼《肖申克的救贖》就比不上《香腸派對》嗎? Everyday Philosophy: If beauty is subjective, is “Shawshank Redemption” no better than “Sausage Party”? (bigthink.com)
136. 問伊森萬物最終會屈服於霍金輻射嗎? Ask Ethan: Will everything eventually succumb to Hawking radiation? (bigthink.com)
141. Ethan Mollick 領導人工智能的 4 項指導原則 Ethan Mollick’s 4 guiding principles for leading with AI (bigthink.com)
147. 受困於自私的老闆?試試以下 3 個策略,重新獲得控制權 Trapped under a selfish boss? Try these 3 strategies to regain control (bigthink.com)
150. 互聯網檔案館的 "免費數字圖書館 "如何通過 "合理使用 "測試 How the Internet Archive’s “Free Digital Library” fell to the “fair use” test (bigthink.com)
151. 日常哲學"科學家是否參與了破壞宗教的撒旦陰謀?" Everyday Philosophy: “Are scientists involved in a Satanic plot to undermine religion?” (bigthink.com)
152. 經濟學家解讀後 COVID 貨幣政策的基本原理 The basics of post-COVID monetary policy, explained by an economist (bigthink.com)
153. 兩天規則 "如何讓你的日常工作生活更輕鬆 How the “two-day rule” can make your daily work-life much easier (bigthink.com)
156. 孔子與亞里士多德:兩位哲學家教給我們的道德觀 Confucius vs. Aristotle: What the two philosophers teach us about ethics (bigthink.com)
159. 愛因斯坦又贏了新觀測結果給奇異引力理論帶來打擊 Einstein wins again: Exotic gravity theories take a blow from new observations (bigthink.com)
160. 我們能讓科學自動化嗎?薩姆-羅德里格斯(Sam Rodriques)已經在做了。 Can we automate science? Sam Rodriques is already doing it. (bigthink.com)
161. 穩態宇宙:大爆炸的可行替代方案? The Steady-State Universe: A viable alternative to the Big Bang? (bigthink.com)
166. 你是由能量組成的關於質量來源的奇怪真相 You’re made of energy: The strange truth about where mass comes from (bigthink.com)
167. 為什麼看到伽利略的原始實驗讓我無言以對? Why seeing Galileo’s original experiments left me speechless (bigthink.com)
169. 蘇聯和中國為何在芯片冷戰中落後於美國 Why the USSR and China fell behind the US in the Chip Cold War (bigthink.com)
171. 日常哲學沒有召喚者,能有 "召喚 "嗎? Everyday Philosophy: Can you have a “calling” without a caller? (bigthink.com)
178. 幫助處於困境中的朋友的 3 個情商技巧 3 emotional intelligence tips for helping a friend in a rough patch (bigthink.com)
181. 前生命之謎:追溯無生命世界中複雜性的崛起 The pre-life puzzle: Tracing the rise of complexity in a lifeless world (bigthink.com)
182. 微塑料超載:減少生產是遏制汙染的唯一現實途徑嗎? Microplastic overload: Is cutting production the only realistic way to curb pollution? (bigthink.com)
183. 為什麼每個長期投資者都應研究古代建築 Why every long-term investor should study ancient architecture (bigthink.com)
184. 使用這個天才皮克斯黑客,讓你的職業生涯重回正軌 Use this genius Pixar hack to get your career back on track (bigthink.com)
185. JWST 的 "紅色怪物 "星系對宇宙學意味著什麼? What do JWST’s “red monster” galaxies mean for cosmology? (bigthink.com)
186. 丹尼爾-戈爾曼為什麼情商可能是組織成功的首要指標? Daniel Goleman: Why emotional intelligence may be the number one indicator of organizational success (bigthink.com)
188. 領導者如何避免在權力驅動下從英雄淪為小人 How leaders can avoid a power-driven descent from hero to villain (bigthink.com)
193. 新的UFO聽證會繼續 "無休止地循環 "轟動效應 New UFO hearings continue an “endless loop” of sensation (bigthink.com)
194. 日常哲學:什麼時候應該嘗試改變朋友的信仰? Everyday Philosophy: When should you try to change your friend’s beliefs? (bigthink.com)
195. 山姆-哈里斯:你的思想是你的全部。你的頭腦在工作嗎? Sam Harris: Your mind is all you have. Is yours working? (bigthink.com)
198. 下一個奧米克斯?追蹤一生的暴露,更好地瞭解疾病 The next omics? Tracking a lifetime of exposures to better understand disease (bigthink.com)
207. 創始人為何要對抗 "雙曲貼現 "這一硬傷? Why founders should fight hardwired “hyperbolic discounting” (bigthink.com)
210. 出現 "中微子迷霧 "跡象,使暗物質搜索複雜化 Signs of “neutrino fog” emerge, complicating searches for dark matter (bigthink.com)
216. 日常哲學:有 "負面情緒 "這種東西嗎? Everyday Philosophy: Is there such a thing as a “negative emotion”? (bigthink.com)
218. 勃蘭特路線給我們帶來了全球南北。它需要更新。 The Brandt Line gave us the Global North and South. It needs an update. (bigthink.com)
222. 電子競技:仿生運動員爭奪金牌--推動輔助技術向前發展 The Cybathlon: Bionic athletes compete for the gold — and push assistive technologies forward (bigthink.com)
223. 科學家每年要殺死 1.92 億隻實驗小鼠。有更好的辦法嗎? Scientists kill 192 million lab mice each year. Is there a better way? (bigthink.com)
224. 為什麼說 "慢生產率 "是出色工作和快樂團隊的關鍵? Why “slow productivity” is the key to great work and happy teams (bigthink.com)
227. 質子會永遠存在嗎?科學家為何要尋找衰變跡象 Will protons last forever? Why scientists are searching for signs of decay (bigthink.com)
233. 駕馭任何創新浪潮的 5 項行之有效的 CEO 戰略 5 proven CEO strategies for riding any wave of innovation (bigthink.com)
234. Ryan Holiday 關於感知和自我反思的藝術 Ryan Holiday on the art of perception and self-reflection (bigthink.com)
236. 為什麼未來學家艾米-韋伯認為 "技術超級週期 "即將到來? Why futurist Amy Webb sees a “technology supercycle” headed our way (bigthink.com)
239. 人類生活在一個 "永遠在線 "的數字世界中會產生什麼後果? What are the consequences of living as a human in an “always on” digital world? (bigthink.com)
240. 把握 "本質上有爭議的概念",提高工作效率 Grasp “essentially contested concepts” for smoother productivity (bigthink.com)
242. 歐羅巴號快船如何在遙遠的冰冷月球上架設相機 How the Europa Clipper will set cameras on a distant icy moon (bigthink.com)
243. 如果外星人造訪地球,希望他們能克服野蠻的過去 If aliens visit Earth, let’s hope they’ve overcome their savage past (bigthink.com)
249. 神奇的三分之一 "法則:一個聲音如何改變一個群體 The “magic third” rule: How just one voice can transform a group (bigthink.com)
250. 為什麼 "數字福祉 "對我們的工作與生活轉型至關重要? Why “digital wellbeing” is crucial to our work-life transformation (bigthink.com)
252. 愛因斯坦可沒這麼說病毒式錯誤引用是如何演變和複製的 Einstein didn’t say that: How viral misquotes evolve and replicate (bigthink.com)
253. 創造力至關重要。下面我們就來看看它是如何促進社會正義的。 Creativity is essential. Here’s how it can catalyze social justice. (bigthink.com)
254. "創始人綜合症":領導者停滯不前時如何前進 “Founder syndrome”: How to move forward when leaders stagnate (bigthink.com)
258. 日常哲學你能自我認同為不同的一代嗎? Everyday Philosophy: Can you self-identify as a different generation? (bigthink.com)
259. 問伊森宇宙膨脹和大爆炸是怎麼回事? Ask Ethan: What’s the deal with cosmic inflation and the Big Bang? (bigthink.com)
261. 同伴本能人類文化背後的古老部落本能 The “peer instinct”: The ancient tribal instinct behind human culture (bigthink.com)
265. 丹尼爾-丹尼特使用的 3 種出色的批判性思維工具 3 brilliant critical thinking tools used by Daniel Dennett (bigthink.com)
267. 大屠殺倖存者講述如何從心靈的牢籠中解脫出來 Holocaust survivor on freeing yourself from the prison of your mind (bigthink.com)
268. "就像給手機插上電源一樣":推廣電動汽車所需的思維轉變 “It’s just like plugging in your phone”: The mindset shift needed to scale EVs (bigthink.com)
277. 解碼禽流感:新研究揭示了人類感染禽流感的潛在途徑 Decoding bird flu: New research reveals potential route for human infection (bigthink.com)
280. 麥克納馬拉謬誤":當數據導致最糟糕的決策時 The “McNamara fallacy”: When data leads to the worst decision (bigthink.com)
282. 地獄或高水地球潮汐範圍的奇妙與危險 Hell or high water: The wonders and dangers of Earth’s tidal ranges (bigthink.com)
287. 美國國家航空航天局的歐羅巴號快船如何幫助尋找外星生命 How NASA’s Europa Clipper helps the hunt for alien life (bigthink.com)
289. 解釋 "友誼鴻溝":教育如何影響你的交往能力 The “friendship divide” explained: How your education affects your ability to connect (bigthink.com)
291. "瘋王 "行為預測 21 世紀核戰爭將如何發展 “Mad King” behavior: A prediction for how 21st-century nuclear war would unfold (bigthink.com)
292. 6 個令人信服的理由:你的工作未來是 "技能驅動 "的 6 compelling reasons your work future is “skills-powered” (bigthink.com)
294. 人工智能聊天機器人或許能緩解世界的孤獨感(如果它們不會讓孤獨感變得更糟的話) AI chatbots may ease the world’s loneliness (if they don’t make it worse) (bigthink.com)
297. 日常哲學:斯多葛主義和佛教是不健康的哲學嗎? Everyday Philosophy: Are Stoicism and Buddhism unhealthy philosophies? (bigthink.com)
298. 問伊森進化和自然選擇是在宇宙中發生的嗎? Ask Ethan: Do evolution and natural selection occur cosmically? (bigthink.com)
300. 專制公司當今的獨裁者團結一致--但不是因為意識形態 Autocracy, Inc.: Today’s dictators are united — but not by ideology (bigthink.com)