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ソース: バージョン: 他の言語: 購読: ソーシャル: 最終更新日: 2025-03-26T14:28:44.828+08:00   統計を見る
14:00  Is dark energy weakening? DESI’s results are ambiguous (
03:50  The hidden power of unanswerable questions (
03-25  Why your smartest colleagues are virtuoso manipulators (
03-25  The surprising evolutionary link between bowerbirds and human art (
03-25  Just one exo-Earth pixel can reveal continents, oceans, and more (
03-24  The most distant galaxy has oxygen, and that’s no surprise (
03-20  The case for expanding the definition of intelligence (
03-20  The Hard Problem of Consciousness Annaka Harris (
03-20  How to rethink education in the age of AI (
03-20  Science’s great paradox: we don’t know what we don’t know until we look (
03-19  What is The Great Progression: 2025 to 2050? (
03-19  Finding home in Storyland: The transformative power of books (
03-19  Atsuko Okatsuka: Comedy, Chaos, and Finding a Place to Belong (
03-19  Following the scientific consensus: how to be “the least wrong” (
03-18  What if we built something better? When disaster sparks reinvention (
03-18  5 books that changed our understanding of the origin of life (
03-18  Why “inner stillness” is crucial for leaders in the age of AI (
03-18  What are all the different types of nebula in astronomy? (
03-17  How to tell which edge of a galaxy is tipped towards you (
03-16  Starts With A Bang podcast #115 – Dwarf galaxies in isolation (
03-14  Hannah Ritchie: We can tackle our biggest environmental problems Full Interview (
03-14  Ask Ethan: Why do galaxies still collide in the expanding Universe? (
03-13  Former CIA agent: The truth about manipulation (
03-13  An investigative approach to stock investing (
03-13  Confirmed at last: exoplanets found around nearest single star (
03-13  The 4 “beauty ideals” that fuel everyday prejudice (
03-12  The Big 5 personality traits you can change with practice (
03-12  Why invest in fundamental research? A former Nazi explains (
03-11  What AI’s sensory void tells us about thinking on “the road to meaning” (
03-11  The Julian Metcalfe interview: Charisma, grit, and “that feeling of harmony” (
03-11  Scientists have definitively taken us beyond the Big Bang (
03-10  3 discoveries that change the way we think of the universe (
03-10  Surprising stars reveal second-closest supermassive black hole (
03-08  The 4 types of enemies (and how to defeat them) (
03-07  Sam Harris: Breaking the spell of propaganda (
03-07  Asteroid anxiety: Astronomy’s 300-year quest to predict cosmic collisions (
03-07  Ask Ethan: Does the multiverse explain our fundamental constants? (
03-06  How the United States turned the world economy into a battlefield (
03-06  The risk of outsourcing judgment to AI (
03-05  What it means to live urgently, according to death doula Alua Arthur (
03-05  How JWST puts the squeeze on light dark matter, for free (
03-05  The hidden cost of AI: Trading long-term resilience for short-term efficiency (
03-04  The psychology behind “pressure pitfalls” and why it matters for leaders (
03-04  The truth about banning “dangerous gain-of-function” research (
03-04  The story behind the internet’s most viral (and misunderstood) political meme (
03-03  5 ways to avoid the “people-pleaser trap” at work (
03-03  How astronomers solved the “Zone of Avoidance” puzzle (
02-28  Is philosophy too Western for its own good? (
02-28  Turn life’s disruptions into a path forward with this 2-step process (
02-27  In praise of history’s famous first words (
02-27  The “existential crisis” of knowledge work (
02-27  4 key steps to transform the USA back into a scientific nation (
02-27  The lab resurrecting ancient proteins to unlock life’s secrets (
02-26  The Broken Compass: Why trying harder isn’t always the answer (
02-26  How to walk the path of “everyday enlightenment” (
02-25  How “Pasteur’s quadrant” enlightens the invention-innovation challenge (
02-24  Hubble completes the largest galactic mosaic of all-time (
02-22  The Swedish philosophy of lagom: how “just enough” is all you need (
02-22  The quest for a “communication device” that tells cells to regenerate the body (
02-20  How tiny experiments can lead to exponential outcomes (
02-20  These 7 anti-science myths threaten modern-day society (
02-19  Why ‘city-killer’ asteroid YR4’s impact probability keeps increasing (
02-19  The leadership trends that will shape 2025 (
02-19  The Anne-Laure Le Cunff interview: How to become “the scientist of your own life” (
02-18  How to understand things (
02-18  5 famous authors who used pseudonyms (and why they did it) (
02-18  Employ the “detour technique” to defuse emotion at work (
02-18  AI agents will outmaneuver salespeople by optimizing persuasion (
02-17  The 3 pillars of workplace happiness and how to use them (
02-17  The Bullseye galaxy: a ring galaxy with a resonant twist (
02-14  The hallucinatory thoughts of the dying mind (
02-14  Ask Ethan: Could there be dark matter aliens out there? (
02-13  Exploring the wild and disturbing world of “scienceploitation” (
02-13  If we want artificial “superintelligence,” it may need to feel pain (
02-13  Investing in an impermanent world: Lessons from mujō (
02-13  How small are the fundamental particles of the Universe? (
02-12  Want to eliminate workplace friction? Become a “trustee of time” (
02-12  No, we can’t geoengineer our way out of the climate crisis (
02-11  Numbers vs narratives: Unraveling the truth behind today’s global migration statistics (
02-11  Did LIGO just see its most important gravitational wave ever? (
02-11  The surprising alliance shaping the fate of America’s 90,000 dams (
02-10  JWST shows surprising violence in a young star system’s birth (
02-07  Ask Ethan: What are the worst cosmic misnomers? (
02-06  The hidden mathematics behind why you find things beautiful (
02-06  When research is cheap, conviction becomes priceless (
02-06  How the right kind of sports analytics can transform business thinking (
02-06  “Playing tennis on Mars”: Why lessons from sport can sideline victory in business (
02-06  The psychology of “ultra-confidence” in business and sports (
02-05  How one moment of shamelessness saved Andrew Zimmern’s life (
02-05  Our first “Earth-like” exoplanets probably won’t have atmospheres (
02-05  The “5 Types of Wealth”: Why you’re wealthier than you think (
02-04  Leaders: Your well-being fix should be your highest priority (
02-04  New findings raise questions about when (and where) life began (
02-03  Meet N79: home to the Local Group’s newest super star cluster (
02-01  What if we’re alone? The philosophical paradox of a lifeless cosmos (
01-31  The surprising data on AI and unemployment rates (
01-31  Counteroffer: What if Greenland bought the U.S.? (
01-30  The rising value of in-person connection (
01-30  A.C. Grayling: We don’t need to bring back religion, we need to bring back education (
01-30  Government-censored science ruined the USSR. Is the USA next? (
01-29  The unsavory history of the wellness industry (
01-29  How the 3 pillars of “unreasonable hospitality” can transform any business (
01-29  The CMB: the most important discovery in cosmic history (
01-28  JWST shocks the world with colliding neutron star discovery (
01-28  Is AI eroding our critical thinking abilities? (
01-27  The great stellar dimming of T Tauri has begun (
01-25  Choose your temple: How mythology can help you spend the time you have left (
01-25  Mini Philosophy (
01-24  The truth about supplements, from a doctor (
01-24  How to revive strategic thinking in an age of digital outrage (
01-23  Investing in the next generation of AI (
01-23  Airborne lead pollution may have cost ancient Romans 3 IQ points (
01-22  Inside the emerging world of anesthesia “dream therapy” (
01-22  Why AI for business means a revolution in efficiency (
01-20  The Ring Nebula’s true structure revealed at last (
01-18  Major Mayan city discovered by scrolling past page 1 in Google search (
01-18  A promising (and surprisingly simple) way to detect alien life (
01-17  The Big 5 personality traits linked to lifelong singlehood (
01-17  Ask Ethan: What are the biggest JWST discoveries so far? (
01-16  Is mathematics the empress of science? A physicist weighs in. (
01-16  The inside story of NVIDIA (
01-16  The U.S. barrels ahead with school smartphone bans — despite weak evidence that it helps (
01-15  How the “defiance domino effect” can improve your life and transform society (
01-15  10 biggest world threats of 2025, ranked Ian Bremmer (
01-15  JWST fully solves the mystery of “Little Red Dots” (
01-15  Philosophy lost its transformative power. Here’s how we can revive it. (
01-15  Lessons from the “pain cave”: What marathoners can teach investors (
01-14  Why “human-AI symbiosis” is essential for business and society (
01-13  Why the medium is still the message (
01-13  What’s hotter than the hottest stars in the Universe? (
01-11  The strange paradox of modern science denialism (
01-10  Everyday Philosophy: Should we ban children from playing dangerous sports? (
01-10  The illusion of self and the illusion of free will, explained (
01-10  3 ways “limit situations” can help you prepare for the worst (
01-09  Unmasking greed: The evolution of a complex and innate desire (
01-09  Sam Altman: The superintelligent robots are coming (
01-09  Predicting the “digital superpowers” we could have by 2030 (
01-08  Why the “optimism bias” rules our hopes for the future (
01-08  The dangers of keeping epidemiology the “hidden science” (
01-08  The quantum reason that ultra-massive stars are forbidden (
01-08  Why great communicators listen to the music of “The Five Ps” (
01-07  Navigate to the “three ports” of ancient philosophy to find the good life (
01-07  The dark brilliance of John Graunt: “Father of modern statistics” (
01-07  25 year update on the “Millennium problems” in physics (
01-06  Why 2025 will take us closer to the “Turing horizon” (
01-05  How far back in time can we see in space? (
01-05  Stephen Hawking’s eternal voice (
01-03  The “unethical” myth about having children (
01-03  Why the golden unlock with nuclear power will be mental (
01-02  Mapped: How Europe’s wealth has shifted since 1900 (
01-02  How to embrace “psychological magic” to be more creative (
01-02  The quantum reason that explains why the Sun shines (
01-02  Psychology has a consciousness problem (
01-01  The one-page calendar that changes how you view the year (
24-12-31  Scientists find record high-energy cosmic ray electrons, but origin remains elusive (
24-12-31  Is the universe actually a fractal? (
24-12-31  Why your sleeping brain replays new rewarding experiences (
24-12-30  How urine led to the foundation of chemistry (
24-12-30  This weird JWST trick lets us “see” dark matter (
24-12-29  How typing transformed Nietzsche’s consciousness (
24-12-27  Inside the battle for FDA approval of MDMA therapy (
24-12-27  Nature’s “perfect balance” is a mystery scientists are trying to decode (
24-12-27  Heidegger’s “mood theory” explains why you do anything at all (
24-12-27  Can science solve the poverty problem? (
24-12-26  How to build something that lasts (
24-12-25  In Carl Sagan’s Death, an amazing life lesson (
24-12-24  Science makes everyone feel stupid. That’s okay! (
24-12-24  Most planets in the Universe are orphans without parent stars (
24-12-23  Is teaching psychology a waste of time? (
24-12-23  5 ways to rapidly improve your company culture (
24-12-23  Have we found a galactic “twin” of the Milky Way? (
24-12-23  AI skeptic Gary Marcus on AI’s moral and technical shortcomings (
24-12-22  How Neuralink’s chief competitor is tapping into the brain without surgery (
24-12-21  Everyday Philosophy: Bad at probability? That might be a blessing. (
24-12-20  Why does it feel like the world is falling apart? (
24-12-19  A surprising share of the global elite went to Harvard (
24-12-19  10 lessons I learned in 2024 (
24-12-19  Gold, frankincense, and myrrh: one gift was made in a neutron star (
24-12-18  How to disrupt misinformation with the “ladder of misinference” (
24-12-18  The “Demon Method”: How necromancy once solved everyone’s problems (
24-12-18  The 16 stories that shaped physics and astronomy in 2024 (
24-12-18  Mapped: The strange link between obesity and corruption (
24-12-17  The art of outlasting: What we can learn from timeproof Japanese businesses (
24-12-17  Waves in an Impossible Sea: the 2024 science book of the year (
24-12-17  3 philosophy classics that are better than self-help books (
24-12-16  The most important lesson from JWST’s “baby Milky Way” (
24-12-15  Silicon Valley’s obsession with AI looks a lot like religion (
24-12-15  Should we turn the electricity grid over to AI? (
24-12-14  The “living mirror” theory: Why all living organisms may have consciousness (
24-12-13  Everyday Philosophy: Are rainbows, farts, and emotions “real”? (
24-12-13  The philosophy of happiness, explained in 10 minutes (
24-12-13  Ask Ethan: Does quantum computation occur in parallel universes? (
24-12-12  How BioNTech’s “revolutionary” lung cancer vaccine actually works (
24-12-12  The secret reason the USA beat the USSR to the Moon (
24-12-12  How to reclaim meaning in a changing world (
24-12-11  The quantum reason behind the solidity of matter (
24-12-11  The case for Nietzsche’s “Overhuman” as a prophecy of superintelligent AI (
24-12-11  Blaming our genes: The heritability of behavior (
24-12-10  The key to techno-scientific progress? “Bubbles” (
24-12-09  Our population is aging, here’s how to care for it correctly (
24-12-09  How large is the biggest galaxy in the Universe? (
24-12-09  Plato’s cave and the stubborn persistence of ignorance (
24-12-09  The big problems driving nanotech development (
24-12-08  Starts With A Bang Podcast #112 – Galactic Archaeology (
24-12-06  How your brain works in an emergency, in 9 minutes (