5. 奥运冠军格雷西-戈尔德如何最终不再追求完美 How Olympian Gracie Gold finally stopped striving for perfection (bigthink.com)
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21. 如果我们想要人工 "超级智能",它可能需要感受疼痛 If we want artificial “superintelligence,” it may need to feel pain (bigthink.com)
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63. 政府审查科学毁了苏联。下一个会是美国吗? Government-censored science ruined the USSR. Is the USA next? (bigthink.com)
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96. 数学是科学的女皇吗?一位物理学家给出了自己的看法。 Is mathematics the empress of science? A physicist weighs in. (bigthink.com)
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136. 不要把时间浪费在否定虚假说法上。相反,请尝试 "绕过技巧"。 Don’t waste time negating false claims. Instead, try the “bypassing technique” (bigthink.com)
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165. 我们宇宙中的星系数量超乎卡尔-萨根的想象 Our Universe has more galaxies than Carl Sagan ever imagined (bigthink.com)
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174. 日常哲学:概率学不好?这也许是一种幸运。 Everyday Philosophy: Bad at probability? That might be a blessing. (bigthink.com)
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244. 我们能让科学自动化吗?萨姆-罗德里格斯(Sam Rodriques)已经在做了。 Can we automate science? Sam Rodriques is already doing it. (bigthink.com)
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255. 日常哲学没有召唤者,能有 "召唤 "吗? Everyday Philosophy: Can you have a “calling” without a caller? (bigthink.com)
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266. 微塑料超载:减少生产是遏制污染的唯一现实途径吗? Microplastic overload: Is cutting production the only realistic way to curb pollution? (bigthink.com)
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269. JWST 的 "红色怪物 "星系对宇宙学意味着什么? What do JWST’s “red monster” galaxies mean for cosmology? (bigthink.com)
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279. 山姆-哈里斯:你的思想是你的全部。你的头脑在工作吗? Sam Harris: Your mind is all you have. Is yours working? (bigthink.com)
282. 下一个奥米克斯?追踪一生的暴露,更好地了解疾病 The next omics? Tracking a lifetime of exposures to better understand disease (bigthink.com)
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294. 出现 "中微子迷雾 "迹象,使暗物质搜索复杂化 Signs of “neutrino fog” emerge, complicating searches for dark matter (bigthink.com)
300. 日常哲学:有 "负面情绪 "这种东西吗? Everyday Philosophy: Is there such a thing as a “negative emotion”? (bigthink.com)