2. 一个外地球像素就能揭示大陆、海洋和更多信息 Just one exo-Earth pixel can reveal continents, oceans, and more (bigthink.com)
3. 被忽视的迷幻剂,可能有助于治疗创伤性脑损伤 The overlooked psychedelic that may help treat traumatic brain injury (bigthink.com)
6. 安妮-劳尔-勒库纳夫:统治你生活的 3 种认知脚本 完整访谈 Anne-Laure Le Cunff: The 3 cognitive scripts that rule over your life Full Interview (bigthink.com)
7. 问伊森我们能将爱因斯坦方程转化为牛顿定律吗? Ask Ethan: Can we turn Einstein’s equations into Newton’s law? (bigthink.com)
12. 科学的伟大悖论:不看不知道,一看吓一跳 Science’s great paradox: we don’t know what we don’t know until we look (bigthink.com)
17. 如果我们建造更好的东西会怎样?灾难引发重塑 What if we built something better? When disaster sparks reinvention (bigthink.com)
19. 为什么 "内心静止 "对人工智能时代的领导者至关重要? Why “inner stillness” is crucial for leaders in the age of AI (bigthink.com)
23. 始于大爆炸》播客 #115 - 孤立的矮星系 Starts With A Bang podcast #115 – Dwarf galaxies in isolation (bigthink.com)
24. 汉娜-里奇:我们可以解决最大的环境问题 完整访谈 Hannah Ritchie: We can tackle our biggest environmental problems Full Interview (bigthink.com)
25. 焦虑总是在撒谎玛莎-贝克谈克服恐惧和寻找目标 Anxiety always lies: Martha Beck on overcoming fear and finding purpose (bigthink.com)
26. 问伊森在不断膨胀的宇宙中,为什么星系还会发生碰撞? Ask Ethan: Why do galaxies still collide in the expanding Universe? (bigthink.com)
29. 终于确认:在最近的单恒星周围发现系外行星 Confirmed at last: exoplanets found around nearest single star (bigthink.com)
34. 人工智能的感官空白告诉我们如何思考 "通往意义之路" What AI’s sensory void tells us about thinking on “the road to meaning” (bigthink.com)
35. 朱利安-梅特卡夫访谈:魅力、勇气和 "和谐的感觉" The Julian Metcalfe interview: Charisma, grit, and “that feeling of harmony” (bigthink.com)
40. 令人惊讶的恒星揭示了距离第二近的超大质量黑洞 Surprising stars reveal second-closest supermassive black hole (bigthink.com)
43. 小行星焦虑症天文学 300 年来对预测宇宙碰撞的探索 Asteroid anxiety: Astronomy’s 300-year quest to predict cosmic collisions (bigthink.com)
44. 问伊森多元宇宙能解释我们的基本常数吗? Ask Ethan: Does the multiverse explain our fundamental constants? (bigthink.com)
47. 物质有 7 种状态,"超导体 "不在其中 There are 7 states of matter; “topoconductor” isn’t one of them (bigthink.com)
48. 我们曾被许诺要打造 "星际迷航",那为什么还要满足于这些糟糕的聊天机器人呢? We were promised “Star Trek,” so why did we settle for these lousy chatbots? (bigthink.com)
49. 死亡催眠师阿卢阿-阿瑟(Alua Arthur)认为,"紧迫地活着 "意味着什么? What it means to live urgently, according to death doula Alua Arthur (bigthink.com)
52. 人工智能的隐性成本:用长期适应力换取短期效率 The hidden cost of AI: Trading long-term resilience for short-term efficiency (bigthink.com)
54. 压力陷阱 "背后的心理学及其对领导者的重要性 The psychology behind “pressure pitfalls” and why it matters for leaders (bigthink.com)
56. 互联网上最流行(也最容易被误解)的政治备忘录背后的故事 The story behind the internet’s most viral (and misunderstood) political meme (bigthink.com)
60. 问伊森接近光速时,质量或能量会增加吗? Ask Ethan: Does mass or energy increase near the speed of light? (bigthink.com)
61. 通过这两步流程,将生活中的干扰转化为前进的道路 Turn life’s disruptions into a path forward with this 2-step process (bigthink.com)
66. 破碎的指南针为什么更努力不一定能解决问题 The Broken Compass: Why trying harder isn’t always the answer (bigthink.com)
69. 打破禁忌,模糊真相:真人秀如何按照自己的形象塑造社会 Breaking taboos and blurring truths: How reality TV has shaped society in its own image (bigthink.com)
70. 巴斯德象限 "如何启示发明创新挑战 How “Pasteur’s quadrant” enlightens the invention-innovation challenge (bigthink.com)
72. 作为热战和混合战争武器的 GPS 干扰即将过时 GPS jamming, a weapon in hot and hybrid wars, will soon be obsolete (bigthink.com)
75. 瑞典的 "拉格姆 "哲学:如何 "恰到好处 "地满足你的需求 The Swedish philosophy of lagom: how “just enough” is all you need (bigthink.com)
76. 寻找能让细胞再生的 "通讯设备 The quest for a “communication device” that tells cells to regenerate the body (bigthink.com)
77. 问伊森暗物质会不会是我们看不见的 "正常物质"? Ask Ethan: Could dark matter be “normal stuff” we can’t see? (bigthink.com)
82. 奥运冠军格雷西-戈尔德如何最终不再追求完美 How Olympian Gracie Gold finally stopped striving for perfection (bigthink.com)
83. 为什么 "城市杀手 "小行星YR4撞击地球的可能性不断增加? Why ‘city-killer’ asteroid YR4’s impact probability keeps increasing (bigthink.com)
85. 安妮-劳尔-勒库夫访谈:如何成为 "自己生活的科学家" The Anne-Laure Le Cunff interview: How to become “the scientist of your own life” (bigthink.com)
87. 5 位使用笔名的知名作家(以及他们这样做的原因) 5 famous authors who used pseudonyms (and why they did it) (bigthink.com)
90. 通过优化说服,人工智能代理将胜过销售人员 AI agents will outmaneuver salespeople by optimizing persuasion (bigthink.com)
97. 探索狂野而令人不安的 "科学掠夺 "世界 Exploring the wild and disturbing world of “scienceploitation” (bigthink.com)
98. 如果我们想要人工 "超级智能",它可能需要感受疼痛 If we want artificial “superintelligence,” it may need to feel pain (bigthink.com)
101. 想要消除职场摩擦?成为 "时间托管人 Want to eliminate workplace friction? Become a “trustee of time” (bigthink.com)
103. 数字与叙述:揭开当今全球移民统计数据背后的真相 Numbers vs narratives: Unraveling the truth behind today’s global migration statistics (bigthink.com)
104. LIGO 刚刚看到有史以来最重要的引力波了吗? Did LIGO just see its most important gravitational wave ever? (bigthink.com)
105. 影响美国 90,000 座水坝命运的惊人联盟 The surprising alliance shaping the fate of America’s 90,000 dams (bigthink.com)
107. JWST 显示年轻恒星系统诞生过程中令人惊讶的暴力现象 JWST shows surprising violence in a young star system’s birth (bigthink.com)
108. 孪生地球 "能在多远的距离上探测到我们的信号? At what distance could a “twin Earth” detect our signals? (bigthink.com)
116. 体育运动中失败的刺痛如何指导我们取得商业成功 How the sting of failure in sports can guide us to success in business (bigthink.com)
117. 正确的体育分析如何改变商业思维 How the right kind of sports analytics can transform business thinking (bigthink.com)
119. 像汤姆-布雷迪一样获胜?迈向 "纪律之桥 "的 5 个关键步骤 Win like Tom Brady? Take 5 key steps towards your “discipline bridge” (bigthink.com)
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123. 瑞典实用主义 "在足球和初创企业中的永恒魅力 The lasting genius of “Swedish pragmatics” in soccer and startups (bigthink.com)
125. 奥林匹克思维":精英运动员能否造就精英员工? The “Olympic mindset”: Do elite athletes make elite employees? (bigthink.com)
126. 安德鲁-齐默恩(Andrew Zimmern)的无耻之举如何拯救了他的生命 How one moment of shamelessness saved Andrew Zimmern’s life (bigthink.com)
127. 我们的第一批 "类地 "系外行星可能没有大气层 Our first “Earth-like” exoplanets probably won’t have atmospheres (bigthink.com)
131. 新发现提出了生命起源于何时(何地)的问题 New findings raise questions about when (and where) life began (bigthink.com)
132. 你是 "意外的管理者 "吗?采取以下 4 个关键步骤 Are you an “accidental manager”? Take these 4 crucial steps (bigthink.com)
133. 认识 N79:本星系群最新超级星团的所在地 Meet N79: home to the Local Group’s newest super star cluster (bigthink.com)
134. 如果我们是孤独的?无生命宇宙的哲学悖论 What if we’re alone? The philosophical paradox of a lifeless cosmos (bigthink.com)
139. A.C. 格雷林我们不需要恢复宗教,我们需要恢复教育 A.C. Grayling: We don’t need to bring back religion, we need to bring back education (bigthink.com)
140. 政府审查科学毁了苏联。下一个会是美国吗? Government-censored science ruined the USSR. Is the USA next? (bigthink.com)
142. 不合理待客之道 "的三大支柱如何改变任何企业 How the 3 pillars of “unreasonable hospitality” can transform any business (bigthink.com)
145. Nathan Thrall 谈让读者沉浸在非虚构写作中的艺术 Nathan Thrall on the art of immersing readers in nonfiction writing (bigthink.com)
146. 我们无法 "消除 "大脑偏差,但我们可以改变我们的系统 We can’t “de-bias” our brains but we can change our systems (bigthink.com)
150. 分层领导 "是解决领导者职业倦怠的 5 个理由 5 reasons “fractional leadership” is the antidote to leader burnout (bigthink.com)
152. 一个流行的宇宙生命和智慧模型是如何搞错的? How a popular model of cosmic life and intelligence got it wrong (bigthink.com)
153. 选择你的神庙神话如何帮助你度过剩下的时间 Choose your temple: How mythology can help you spend the time you have left (bigthink.com)
160. 空气中的铅污染可能使古罗马人的智商降低了 3 点 Airborne lead pollution may have cost ancient Romans 3 IQ points (bigthink.com)
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167. 领导者为何应利用 "SURF 框架 "实现可持续发展 Why leaders should ride the “SURF Framework” for sustainability (bigthink.com)
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170. 探测外星生命的前景广阔(简单得令人惊讶)的方法 A promising (and surprisingly simple) way to detect alien life (bigthink.com)
173. 数学是科学的女皇吗?一位物理学家给出了自己的看法。 Is mathematics the empress of science? A physicist weighs in. (bigthink.com)
176. 美国一意孤行禁止学校使用智能手机--尽管有微弱证据表明这样做有帮助 The U.S. barrels ahead with school smartphone bans — despite weak evidence that it helps (bigthink.com)
177. 蔑视多米诺骨牌效应 "如何改善你的生活并改变社会 How the “defiance domino effect” can improve your life and transform society (bigthink.com)
178. 2025 年世界十大威胁排名 伊恩-布雷默(Ian Bremmer 10 biggest world threats of 2025, ranked Ian Bremmer (bigthink.com)
180. 哲学失去了变革的力量。我们该如何重振哲学? Philosophy lost its transformative power. Here’s how we can revive it. (bigthink.com)
181. 来自 "痛苦洞穴 "的教训马拉松运动员给投资者的启示 Lessons from the “pain cave”: What marathoners can teach investors (bigthink.com)
182. 为什么 "人类与人工智能共生 "对企业和社会至关重要? Why “human-AI symbiosis” is essential for business and society (bigthink.com)
183. 宇宙第一:实时捕捉到超大质量黑洞 "开启" Cosmic first: supermassive black hole caught “turning on” in real-time (bigthink.com)
191. 日常哲学我们应该禁止儿童从事危险运动吗? Everyday Philosophy: Should we ban children from playing dangerous sports? (bigthink.com)
193. 极限情况 "帮助您做好最坏打算的 3 种方法 3 ways “limit situations” can help you prepare for the worst (bigthink.com)
194. 问伊桑:光子如何介导吸引力和排斥力? Ask Ethan: How do photons mediate both attraction and repulsion? (bigthink.com)
195. 揭开贪婪的面纱:复杂而与生俱来的欲望的演变 Unmasking greed: The evolution of a complex and innate desire (bigthink.com)
199. 预测 2030 年我们可能拥有的 "数字超级大国 Predicting the “digital superpowers” we could have by 2030 (bigthink.com)
202. 拜伦-凯蒂如何在最黑暗的时刻意外发现快乐 How Byron Katie accidentally discovered joy in the darkest of times (bigthink.com)
204. 为什么伟大的传播者会聆听 "五P "音乐? Why great communicators listen to the music of “The Five Ps” (bigthink.com)
205. 导航到古代哲学的 "三个港口",寻找美好生活 Navigate to the “three ports” of ancient philosophy to find the good life (bigthink.com)
206. 约翰-格拉特的黑暗辉煌"现代统计学之父" The dark brilliance of John Graunt: “Father of modern statistics” (bigthink.com)
213. 不要把时间浪费在否定虚假说法上。相反,请尝试 "绕过技巧"。 Don’t waste time negating false claims. Instead, try the “bypassing technique” (bigthink.com)
221. 伟大的思想并不一致:神经多样性的商业案例 Great minds don’t think alike: The business case for neurodiversity (bigthink.com)
223. 科学家发现创纪录的高能宇宙射线电子,但起源仍难以捉摸 Scientists find record high-energy cosmic ray electrons, but origin remains elusive (bigthink.com)
227. 罗里-萨瑟兰访谈:蜜蜂、魔法和 "拉普拉斯恶魔 "的愚昧 The Rory Sutherland interview: Bees, magic, and the folly of “Laplace’s demon” (bigthink.com)
233. 从全球到地球:后全新世世界是否需要新的治理? From global to planetary: Is new governance needed in a post-Holocene world? (bigthink.com)
234. 大自然的 "完美平衡 "是科学家试图破解的一个谜团 Nature’s “perfect balance” is a mystery scientists are trying to decode (bigthink.com)
235. 海德格尔的 "情绪理论 "解释了你为什么要做任何事 Heidegger’s “mood theory” explains why you do anything at all (bigthink.com)
238. 饥饿还是饥渴?鲸鱼创纪录地游过半个地球 Hungry or horny? Whale makes record swim halfway across planet (bigthink.com)
242. 我们宇宙中的星系数量超乎卡尔-萨根的想象 Our Universe has more galaxies than Carl Sagan ever imagined (bigthink.com)
249. 人工智能怀疑论者加里-马库斯谈人工智能的道德和技术缺陷 AI skeptic Gary Marcus on AI’s moral and technical shortcomings (bigthink.com)
250. Neuralink 的主要竞争对手如何在不动手术的情况下接入大脑 How Neuralink’s chief competitor is tapping into the brain without surgery (bigthink.com)
251. 日常哲学:概率学不好?这也许是一种幸运。 Everyday Philosophy: Bad at probability? That might be a blessing. (bigthink.com)
256. 黄金、乳香和没药:一份礼物是在中子星上制作的 Gold, frankincense, and myrrh: one gift was made in a neutron star (bigthink.com)
258. 如何利用 "错误推论阶梯 "来瓦解错误信息 How to disrupt misinformation with the “ladder of misinference” (bigthink.com)
259. 恶魔之法亡灵魔法曾如何解决所有人的问题 The “Demon Method”: How necromancy once solved everyone’s problems (bigthink.com)
260. 影响 2024 年物理学和天文学的 16 个故事 The 16 stories that shaped physics and astronomy in 2024 (bigthink.com)
263. 经久不衰的艺术:我们可以从经得起时间考验的日本企业中学到什么 The art of outlasting: What we can learn from timeproof Japanese businesses (bigthink.com)
264. 不可能之海的波浪:2024 年度科学图书 Waves in an Impossible Sea: the 2024 science book of the year (bigthink.com)
271. 活镜子 "理论:为什么所有生物都可能具有意识 The “living mirror” theory: Why all living organisms may have consciousness (bigthink.com)
272. 日常哲学:彩虹、屁和情感是 "真实 "的吗? Everyday Philosophy: Are rainbows, farts, and emotions “real”? (bigthink.com)
275. 问伊森量子计算是否发生在平行宇宙中? Ask Ethan: Does quantum computation occur in parallel universes? (bigthink.com)
276. 情商如何成为抵御 GenAI 威胁的最佳防御手段 How emotional intelligence is the best defence against GenAI threats (bigthink.com)
277. BioNTech 公司的 "革命性 "肺癌疫苗究竟是如何发挥作用的? How BioNTech’s “revolutionary” lung cancer vaccine actually works (bigthink.com)
284. 尼采的《超人类》作为超智能人工智能预言的理由 The case for Nietzsche’s “Overhuman” as a prophecy of superintelligent AI (bigthink.com)
289. 我们的人口正在老龄化,如何正确照顾他们? Our population is aging, here’s how to care for it correctly (bigthink.com)
295. 日常哲学:如果美是主观的,那么《肖申克的救赎》就比不上《香肠派对》吗? Everyday Philosophy: If beauty is subjective, is “Shawshank Redemption” no better than “Sausage Party”? (bigthink.com)
297. 问伊森万物最终会屈服于霍金辐射吗? Ask Ethan: Will everything eventually succumb to Hawking radiation? (bigthink.com)