1. 电子竞技:仿生运动员争夺金牌--推动辅助技术向前发展 The Cybathlon: Bionic athletes compete for the gold — and push assistive technologies forward (bigthink.com)
2. 科学家每年要杀死 1.92 亿只实验小鼠。有更好的办法吗? Scientists kill 192 million lab mice each year. Is there a better way? (bigthink.com)
3. 为什么说 "慢生产率 "是出色工作和快乐团队的关键? Why “slow productivity” is the key to great work and happy teams (bigthink.com)
6. 质子会永远存在吗?科学家为何要寻找衰变迹象 Will protons last forever? Why scientists are searching for signs of decay (bigthink.com)
12. 驾驭任何创新浪潮的 5 项行之有效的 CEO 战略 5 proven CEO strategies for riding any wave of innovation (bigthink.com)
13. Ryan Holiday 关于感知和自我反思的艺术 Ryan Holiday on the art of perception and self-reflection (bigthink.com)
15. 为什么未来学家艾米-韦伯认为 "技术超级周期 "即将到来? Why futurist Amy Webb sees a “technology supercycle” headed our way (bigthink.com)
18. 人类生活在一个 "永远在线 "的数字世界中会产生什么后果? What are the consequences of living as a human in an “always on” digital world? (bigthink.com)
19. 把握 "本质上有争议的概念",提高工作效率 Grasp “essentially contested concepts” for smoother productivity (bigthink.com)
21. 欧罗巴号快船如何在遥远的冰冷月球上架设相机 How the Europa Clipper will set cameras on a distant icy moon (bigthink.com)
22. 如果外星人造访地球,希望他们能克服野蛮的过去 If aliens visit Earth, let’s hope they’ve overcome their savage past (bigthink.com)
28. 神奇的三分之一 "法则:一个声音如何改变一个群体 The “magic third” rule: How just one voice can transform a group (bigthink.com)
29. 为什么 "数字福祉 "对我们的工作与生活转型至关重要? Why “digital wellbeing” is crucial to our work-life transformation (bigthink.com)
31. 爱因斯坦可没这么说病毒式错误引用是如何演变和复制的 Einstein didn’t say that: How viral misquotes evolve and replicate (bigthink.com)
32. 创造力至关重要。下面我们就来看看它是如何促进社会正义的。 Creativity is essential. Here’s how it can catalyze social justice. (bigthink.com)
33. "创始人综合症":领导者停滞不前时如何前进 “Founder syndrome”: How to move forward when leaders stagnate (bigthink.com)
37. 日常哲学你能自我认同为不同的一代吗? Everyday Philosophy: Can you self-identify as a different generation? (bigthink.com)
38. 问伊森宇宙膨胀和大爆炸是怎么回事? Ask Ethan: What’s the deal with cosmic inflation and the Big Bang? (bigthink.com)
40. 同伴本能人类文化背后的古老部落本能 The “peer instinct”: The ancient tribal instinct behind human culture (bigthink.com)
44. 丹尼尔-丹尼特使用的 3 种出色的批判性思维工具 3 brilliant critical thinking tools used by Daniel Dennett (bigthink.com)
46. 大屠杀幸存者讲述如何从心灵的牢笼中解脱出来 Holocaust survivor on freeing yourself from the prison of your mind (bigthink.com)
47. "就像给手机插上电源一样":推广电动汽车所需的思维转变 “It’s just like plugging in your phone”: The mindset shift needed to scale EVs (bigthink.com)
56. 解码禽流感:新研究揭示了人类感染禽流感的潜在途径 Decoding bird flu: New research reveals potential route for human infection (bigthink.com)
59. 麦克纳马拉谬误":当数据导致最糟糕的决策时 The “McNamara fallacy”: When data leads to the worst decision (bigthink.com)
61. 地狱或高水地球潮汐范围的奇妙与危险 Hell or high water: The wonders and dangers of Earth’s tidal ranges (bigthink.com)
66. 美国国家航空航天局的欧罗巴号快船如何帮助寻找外星生命 How NASA’s Europa Clipper helps the hunt for alien life (bigthink.com)
68. 解释 "友谊鸿沟":教育如何影响你的交往能力 The “friendship divide” explained: How your education affects your ability to connect (bigthink.com)
70. "疯王 "行为预测 21 世纪核战争将如何发展 “Mad King” behavior: A prediction for how 21st-century nuclear war would unfold (bigthink.com)
71. 6 个令人信服的理由:你的工作未来是 "技能驱动 "的 6 compelling reasons your work future is “skills-powered” (bigthink.com)
73. 人工智能聊天机器人或许能缓解世界的孤独感(如果它们不会让孤独感变得更糟的话) AI chatbots may ease the world’s loneliness (if they don’t make it worse) (bigthink.com)
76. 日常哲学:斯多葛主义和佛教是不健康的哲学吗? Everyday Philosophy: Are Stoicism and Buddhism unhealthy philosophies? (bigthink.com)
77. 问伊森进化和自然选择是在宇宙中发生的吗? Ask Ethan: Do evolution and natural selection occur cosmically? (bigthink.com)
79. 专制公司当今的独裁者团结一致--但不是因为意识形态 Autocracy, Inc.: Today’s dictators are united — but not by ideology (bigthink.com)
83. 这个穆斯林微型国家可能很快成为世界上最小的国家 This Muslim microstate could soon be the world’s smallest country (bigthink.com)
91. 耳语世界移动计算的未来是你脑海中的人工智能声音 The “Whisperverse”: The future of mobile computing is an AI voice inside your head (bigthink.com)
93. 与凯琳-帕特洛(Kaelynn Partlow)一起驾驭自闭症和孤独感 Navigating autism and loneliness with Kaelynn Partlow (bigthink.com)
99. 寻找金星上的恐龙为地球敲响了警钟 How the search for dinosaurs on Venus exposed a warning for Earth (bigthink.com)
101. 问伊森:宇宙的温度是如何随时间变化的? Ask Ethan: How does the Universe’s temperature change over time? (bigthink.com)
104. 尼安德特人永远改变人类遗传学的山脉 The mountains where Neanderthals forever altered human genetics (bigthink.com)
107. 美国人不了解他们的政府。他们正在为此付出代价。 Americans don’t understand their government. They’re paying the price. (bigthink.com)
108. 战略思考者的 6 项关键能力(您可以学习它们) 6 key abilities of strategic thinkers (you can learn them) (bigthink.com)
116. 为什么《道德经》的古老力量比以往任何时候都更重要? Why the ancient power of the Dao De Jing is more important than ever (bigthink.com)
118. 有史以来速度最快的航天器将打破自己的速度纪录 Fastest spacecraft ever built to break its own speed record (bigthink.com)
119. 不,法学硕士仍然不能像人类一样推理。这个简单的测试揭示了原因。 No, LLMs still can’t reason like humans. This simple test reveals why. (bigthink.com)
122. 日常哲学:我没有为一杯 5 美元的咖啡付小费。我错了吗? Everyday Philosophy: I didn’t tip for a $5 cup of coffee. Was I wrong? (bigthink.com)
125. 世界最大太阳能项目将向新加坡输送澳大利亚能源 World’s largest solar project will send Australian energy to Singapore (bigthink.com)
128. "神奇使者":如何以敬畏之心化解工作和生活压力 “Wonderbringers”: How to dissolve work-life stress with awe (bigthink.com)
130. 为什么 JWST 没有打破更多的宇宙距离记录? Why hasn’t JWST broken the cosmic distance record by more? (bigthink.com)
131. Tinder 骗子恋爱欺诈 "如何成为价值数十亿美元的网络犯罪 Tinder Swindler: How “romance fraud” became a multi-billion dollar cybercrime (bigthink.com)
132. 修复网络 "如何影响我们工作与生活的转变 How “Restoration Networking” can shape our work-life transformation (bigthink.com)
136. 寿命最短的量子粒子也表现出量子纠缠 Shortest-lived quantum particles exhibit quantum entanglement, too (bigthink.com)
137. 解码大脑词典:科学家绘制神经元如何编码词义的地图 Decoding the brain’s dictionary: Scientists map how neurons encode word meanings (bigthink.com)
143. 生育的未来,从人造子宫到人工智能辅助试管婴儿 The future of fertility, from artificial wombs to AI-assisted IVF (bigthink.com)
144. 日常哲学:讨论争议性话题的 3 条规则 Everyday Philosophy: 3 rules for discussing controversial topics (bigthink.com)
147. 科学家发现以不同时间尺度处理语言的神经元 Scientists find neurons that process language on different timescales (bigthink.com)
149. 大型科技公司未能通过透明度测试:加里-马库斯谈我们对人工智能的要求 Big tech fails transparency test: Gary Marcus on what we should demand of AI (bigthink.com)
152. 萨拉-伊马里-沃克用物理学重新思考生命的定义 Sara Imari Walker: Using physics to rethink the definition of life (bigthink.com)
153. 萨拉-伊玛里-沃克用物理学重新思考生命的定义 Sara Imari Walker: Using physics to rethink the defintion of life (bigthink.com)
156. 生物壳的秘密:科学家为何致力于拯救地球的生物皮肤 The dirt on biocrusts: Why scientists are working to save Earth’s living skin (bigthink.com)
158. 理查德-道金斯谈逆向工程进化的最佳之美 Richard Dawkins on reverse engineering evolution’s optimal beauty (bigthink.com)
165. 超越屏幕时间:用 "金发姑娘假说 "反思孩子们使用科技的问题 Beyond screen time: Rethinking kids’ tech use with the “Goldilocks hypothesis” (bigthink.com)
166. 日常哲学:你能与自己喜欢的人建立知识友谊吗? Everyday Philosophy: Can you build an intellectual friendship with someone you’re attracted to? (bigthink.com)
169. 美国一家实验室推出可抵御量子加密破解的新工具 A lab in the US unveils new tools to withstand encryption-breaking quantum (bigthink.com)
170. 暗物质搜索:科学家们是否找错了方向? Dark matter search: Are scientists looking in the wrong direction? (bigthink.com)
173. 为什么要以 "真诚的友情 "对待竞争对手? Why it pays to treat competitors with “genuine camaraderie” (bigthink.com)
174. 被忽视的哲学,可以揭示现实最深层的奥秘 The overlooked philosophy that could shed light on reality’s deepest mysteries (bigthink.com)
175. 伦敦商学院教授讲解如何提高批判性探究能力 London Business School professor explains how to improve your critical inquiry skills (bigthink.com)
176. "充满希望的怀疑论治愈愤世嫉俗的良方以及如何运用它 “Hopeful skepticism”: The cure for cynicism and how to apply it (bigthink.com)
181. 用心灵感应释放你的潜能采访斯科特-巴里-考夫曼 Unlock your potential with mentalism: An interview with Scott Barry Kaufman (bigthink.com)
183. 诺贝尔奖获得者对宇宙膨胀的 10 点见解 10 insights about the expanding Universe from a Nobel Laureate (bigthink.com)
184. 为什么 "不学习 "是 "僵尸领导力 "的最佳杀手? Why “unlearning” is your best slayer of “zombie leadership” (bigthink.com)
185. 圣本笃规则现代时间管理的中世纪蓝图 The “Rule of Saint Benedict”: A medieval blueprint for modern time management (bigthink.com)
186. 如何走出内心独白,更好地了解世界 How to step out of your inner monologue and understand the world better (bigthink.com)
189. JWST 发现具有 "不可能 "光信号的遥远星系 JWST finds distant galaxy with “impossible” light signature (bigthink.com)
190. "模型崩溃 "有可能扼杀生成式人工智能的进展 “Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs (bigthink.com)
192. "疯狂亚洲富豪》导演朱强谈美国梦和让内心的批评者闭嘴 “Crazy Rich Asians” director Jon Chu on the American Dream and silencing your inner critic (bigthink.com)
193. 日常哲学:弗洛伊德和佛陀争论如何对待欲望 Everyday Philosophy: Freud and the Buddha debate what to do about desire (bigthink.com)
196. 彼得原理为什么大多数公司都充斥着自不量力的人 The “Peter Principle”: Why most companies are filled with people out of their depth (bigthink.com)
201. 让人工智能符合人类繁荣这一古老哲学的 3 个步骤 3 steps to align AI with the ancient philosophy of human flourishing (bigthink.com)
204. 和平缔造者的悖论":为什么你应该接受对你不利的论点? The “peacemaker’s paradox”: Why you should embrace the arguments made against you (bigthink.com)
206. 映射时间:历史上最具影响力人物的惊人重叠 Mapping time: The surprising overlaps of history’s most influential minds (bigthink.com)
208. 摆脱 "生存模式"、减轻工作压力的 5 种方法 5 ways to escape “survival mode” and reduce stress at work (bigthink.com)
210. ChatGPT 擅长总结书籍内容。但人工智能能写出真正的文学作品吗? ChatGPT is great at summarizing books. But will AI ever write a true work of literature? (bigthink.com)
216. 为什么得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州是美国新的经济强国? Why Texas and Florida are America’s NEW economic powerhouses (bigthink.com)
217. 问伊森为什么惯性质量和重力质量相等? Ask Ethan: Why are inertial and gravitational mass equivalent? (bigthink.com)
219. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)医官讲述在火星模拟中度过的 1 年时光 NASA medical officer on spending 1 year in a Mars simulation (bigthink.com)
222. 革命性的生物混合机器人即将到来。我们准备好了吗? Revolutionary biohybrid robots are coming. Are we prepared? (bigthink.com)
223. 如何 "当日交易 "注意力:5 大数字品牌战略 How to “day trade” attention: 5 key digital branding strategies (bigthink.com)
224. 官方结论JWST 的早期星系并没有打破宇宙学 Official verdict: JWST’s early galaxies didn’t break cosmology (bigthink.com)
236. 为什么解决 "拉斯坦困境 "有助于加强任何民主联盟? Why resolving “Rustin’s dilemma” helps strengthen any democratic coalition (bigthink.com)
237. 日常哲学:与人辩论好,还是耸耸肩喝杯酒好? Everyday Philosophy: Is it better to debate people or shrug and drink wine? (bigthink.com)
239. 问伊森为什么我们感觉不到宇宙在加速膨胀? Ask Ethan: Why don’t we feel the Universe’s expansion accelerating? (bigthink.com)
245. "生命并不存在":给生命下定义的棘手难题 “Life does not exist”: The deceptively tricky task of defining life (bigthink.com)
246. 为什么我们还没有探测到来自智慧外星人的信号? Why haven’t we detected a signal from intelligent aliens yet? (bigthink.com)
247. 翻转领导者反馈的剧本:为什么领导者也需要反馈 Flipping the script on leader feedback: Why leaders need feedback too (bigthink.com)
248. 人工智能会创造更多的工作机会,还是会把我们送上马的老路? Will AI create more jobs or send us the way of the horses? (bigthink.com)
249. 灾难专家塞缪尔-亨利-普林斯的开创性乐观主义 The groundbreaking optimism of catastrophe expert Samuel Henry Prince (bigthink.com)
251. 科学家验证即将推出的超大型 "幽灵 "粒子探测器 Scientists validate upcoming mega-sized “ghost” particle detector (bigthink.com)
253. 为什么通往伟大的道路是由 "情感联系 "铺就的? Why the road to greatness is paved with “emotional connection” (bigthink.com)
254. 为什么宇宙的年龄要从 138 亿年前算起? Why do we count the Universe’s age from 13.8 billion years ago? (bigthink.com)
256. 弧形研究所如何将科学带入生物学世纪 How Arc Institute is bringing science into the century of biology (bigthink.com)
257. 日常哲学上帝拯救了唐纳德-特朗普,却杀死了别人? Everyday Philosophy: Did God save Donald Trump but kill someone else? (bigthink.com)
258. 文明的一切都在改变。为什么我们的身体没有进化? Everything about civilization is changing. Why aren’t our bodies evolving? (bigthink.com)
259. 如果宇宙大爆炸不是有史以来的第一件事,那么是什么导致了它? If the Big Bang wasn’t the first thing ever, what caused it? (bigthink.com)
261. 地球上最热的城市都在这个小角落里 Earth’s hottest cities are all in this little corner of the planet (bigthink.com)
262. 投资者可以从世界上生命力最顽强的灌木中学到什么 What investors can learn from the world’s most resilient shrub (bigthink.com)
265. 哈勃张力:尽管有了新的测量结果,但仍然悬而未决 The Hubble tension: still unresolved, despite new measurements (bigthink.com)
266. 欧洲大陆的转变:欧盟成员国越来越受欢迎(甚至在英国也是如此) A continental shift: EU membership grows in popularity (even in the UK) (bigthink.com)
267. 在月球上发现洞穴是件了不起的事。在火星上?更好 Finding caves on the Moon is great. On Mars? Even better. (bigthink.com)
268. 比尔-盖茨如何巩固 "书呆子创始人 "的民间地位 How Bill Gates cemented the folkloric status of the “nerd founder” (bigthink.com)
269. 为什么 "极端主义者心态 "对持久成功至关重要? Why the “extremophyte mindset” is crucial to lasting success (bigthink.com)
274. 人类发展有 5 项关键原则--它们为何重要 Human development has 5 key principles – here’s why they matter (bigthink.com)
275. 为什么长期愿景和 "融合团队 "对人工智能战略至关重要? Why long-term vision and “fusion teams” are crucial to your AI strategy (bigthink.com)
279. 日常哲学我们能否通过变得更加自信来克服疏离感? Everyday Philosophy: Can we overcome alienation by becoming more assertive? (bigthink.com)
284. Big Think+ Analytics 简介:学习项目的实时分析 Introducing Big Think+ Analytics: Real-time analytics for your learning programs (bigthink.com)
285. "反斗奇兵 2》主创谈重新发现快乐和成为更好的父母 “Inside Out 2” creators on rediscovering joy and being a better parent (bigthink.com)
287. 从爱因斯坦最著名的方程中汲取 3 大教训:E=mc² 3 big lessons from Einstein’s most famous equation: E=mc² (bigthink.com)
291. 一次失败的实验如何引发了爱因斯坦的第一次重大革命 How a failed experiment led to Einstein’s first big revolution (bigthink.com)
293. 为什么 "人工智能优先 "的商业计划会造就平流层般的初创企业? Why an “AI-first” business plan will produce stratospheric startups (bigthink.com)
294. 爱因斯坦解释牛顿万有引力定律的重大发现 Einstein’s big insight that explained Newton’s law of gravity (bigthink.com)
295. 亚原子之谜夸克和轻子是否隐藏着另一层物质? Subatomic puzzle: Are quarks and leptons hiding another level of matter? (bigthink.com)
297. 比较太阳系中的各个世界,5 大令人惊讶之处 5 big surprises when comparing the worlds in our Solar System (bigthink.com)
298. 薯片还是海洛因?关于社交媒体和心理健康的辩论 Potato chips or heroin? The debate on social media and mental health (bigthink.com)